Jan 26:
有几个中国年都没有回家,因为不打算跟酱缸教的忠实信徒浪费时间,还不如到处逛逛,这一天到达了深圳,和一个朋友进行了连续20个小时的philosophical conversation后休息了4个小时,之后又继续了15个小时左右,交谈的内容主要关于人生意义的探讨,自由软件哲学,复杂系统等话题,其实关于"人生意义"是个古老的题目,但这个题目人类谈论了2000多年还是没有"确切"的结论,虽然Shawn信稣哥,但这并不代表就可以以宗教作为借口来回避这一神圣而又永恒的话题。
Feb 4:
在HK为老婆购买了一台Macbook,也是Shawn第一次使用Macbook,苹果的产品很好的照顾了old school和new school黑客的需求,new school黑客可以直接使用xCode来完成对Mac OSX,iPhone,iPad应用程序的开发,old school黑客可以使用Traditional Unix Development Environment(包括GNU工具链)进行和在unix-like平台上一样的开发,其实Shawn为老婆买Macbook是因为一个教育计划,试想如果让她直接从习惯了N多年的WIN平台上转移到GNU系统上还是很困难,但Macbook可以作为一个buffer,Shawn建议她使用GIMP来替换以前在WIN平台下的PHOTOSHOP,GIMP是自由软件,所以也可以顺便谈谈自由软件运动的历史和哲学,最终到了10月份,老婆在思考了黑客生命,自由软件和她所在的行业(非计算机领域)的关系后决定,这台Macbook将是她的最后一台苹果产品,下一此买laptop肯定会装GNU/Linux。
Apr 29:
从2月到4月一直在思考技术的本质到底是什么,KK的What Technology Wants提供了很多参考,4月中旬辞职后开始快速的reviews最近几期的Phrack杂志,4月28日XX山上第一次攀岩后读到了关于利用SMM的rootkit,虽然不太能理解技术细节但至少确定了CPU也能中rootkit的可能性。这个月也发出了为一个old school的ezine---DNFWAH(DO NOT FUCK WITH A HACKER)编写文章的邀请,给Shawn所认识的computer hacker和generic hacker,虽然得到的回应不多,但总算是在5月份发布了Issue 1,发起这份ezine的目的很简单,就是提供一个old school风格分享生命的平台,你不一定需要在某个领域是所谓的"大牛",但你的文章必须是你通过你的生命的一种体验hacking而成,这份ezine不是为了仅仅分享知识,把知识和生命的结合在一起的hacking才符合真正的黑客伦理。
May 3 --- Jul 27:
开始了新的工作,也是网络安全公司,之后的几个月的工作并不是太忙,闲暇时间继续着gaming的同时也总结了netfilter和NIC之间的关系,从4月份开始和cloud club的家伙们谈论云里雾里的"云计算",关注这个的目的到不只是为了寻求商业机会,云计算作为一个大整合的平台就像黑洞一样吸收了几乎历史上所有的信息技术,Shawn认为云计算和另外的一个aha是有联系的:Ray Kurzweil的The Singularity is Near,科技的进化非常的迅猛,这个进化系统对于个人而言是什么?到底Shawn是仅仅感觉到恐惧就回避问题还是积极的拥抱新的技术,如果是前者那肯定不配做基督的门徒,因为这往往是酱缸教徒的选择,但如果是后者要做的选择更加的复杂,技术进化系统到今天已经非常庞大,而一个复杂系统仅仅了解其部分是根本无法搞明白本质的,但如果以所谓的整体论的方式来构建知识论的话,这已经远远超出了一个个体生命所能承载的极限,终极解决方案:社区。但如何构建强社区?神哲学,兄弟会,四层模型....太多的要素需要考虑,从Shawn懦弱的内心深处的提示是:give up。难道Shawn也应该和那个撒克逊的小朋友问同样一个问题:我是懦夫的原因是因为我的父亲是懦夫?难道该找一个借口:这么复杂的问题留给下一代?去他妈的,Shawn都无法办到的事情怎么好意思厚颜无耻的让下一代去完成...
Sept 5:
生活如果一天没有aha简直要让Shawn窒息,如果每时每刻都有aha的wired-in状态那该多好,往往日常生活乏味的出奇,随着对奇点的了解,好像每天如果不来点关于GNR的信息就浑身不自在,或许这是今年在solidot上发的新闻报道最多的一年的原因。9月也参加了软件自由日的成都站,来的人不是很多,但来的家伙都对自由软件充满了热情;软件自由日当天购买了Xbox 360和Kinect,之后的几个月的gaming几乎从PC平台搬到game console上了。2005年,M$发布Xbox 360的时候,Shawn当时预测Xbox360的下一代主机之后游戏的画质会变得更接近真实,这一代的游戏主机把大部分的硬件资源都消耗在图形处理上了,AI方面显得过于薄弱,今年的所有大作里Shawn只认为2部FPS游戏在画质上有质的飞跃:基于id tech 5的Rage和战地3。
Oct 3:
到达雪山脚下,hiking的路程并没有太远,更多的是和老婆一起享受大自然的阳光和雪景,当然还有在帐篷里读着那本"创业的过度:以色列的经济奇迹",Shawn曾经向稣哥祷告过,这本书Shawn会拿出10%-part的那部分收入来购买70本送给陌生人,朋友和native hacker,Shawn一般不在公开场合用"十一奉献"这个词,TMD所有的收入都是来自稣哥,何谈"奉献"一说?整个10月份有三位伟大的黑客离开了我们:John McCarthy, Dennis Ritchie和Steve Jobs。如果说"摆地摊"的Steve Jobs(黑客们更欣赏那个在车库里hacking的Jobs)改变了世界,那Dennis Ritchie则创造了世界,而John McCarthy则是沿着他的老师Alonzo Church的道路给予了后来的黑客们创造世界的可能性。关于他们Shawn写了一篇A & G Trends II会在年底的dnfwah issue 2上发布,明年会发布到blog上。
Nov 12:
和某位对hard sci-fi热衷的家伙的几次讨论深入了一些有趣的题目,但这些题目比起可以即时体验的Kinect和PS3而言显得诱惑力不足,这个月的20号之后在忙一些公司的事情,小到移植应用软件,大到查找内核内存泄漏,繁杂到连个log系统也要亲手来实现,从规模和框架设计的角度,这个日志系统当然不能跟syslog/syslog-ng相比,客户不要求多线程,性能问题他们是打算通过增加硬件来解决,项目完后Shawn编写了一个GPLv3版的日志系统---netlog,功能不是很完善,只是把基础框架完成了,但别指望Shawn继续完善netlog,毕竟Shawn的比特总是从一个领域跳到另外一个领域;Shawn一直认为在亚洲的大部分软件公司只是把人当奴隶来使用,大部分的软件开发人员并没有通过这份工作进而帮助他们思考人生意义,一年的工作经验重复了十次当然可以在简历上写有10年的工作经验,别TM跟Shawn讲为什么Shawn不也是这样的吗,Shawn有自己的理由,但现在却不能分享这些理由,如果稣哥允许Shawn再拥有24年的生命,那Shawn会分享更多的经历的。
Dec 25:
2011年的圣诞节的到来意味着这一年的结束,在25日到元旦的这6天应该是反思这一年所做的事情和选择到底在多大程度上和人生意义的方向一直。去TM的圣诞老人,圣诞老人的来历其实是当年的大公教会的一名虔诚的信徒,也是主教,因为他的所作所为后来被教会封为圣徒。当然今天的圣诞节更多是酱缸教狂欢的日子。每年的这个时候Shawn总是恐惧颤惊,应付忽悠一下公司老板或者教会的自称基督徒的家伙们倒是很容易,但Shawn还没狂妄到去忽悠稣哥,每年这个时候除了祈祷,认罪,忏悔,感恩之外,真不知道还能做些什么。2011年的分享更多是跟神哲学没有直接的联系,但这并不代表Shawn停止了对形而上的思考,像Herman Bavinck的著作和宗教改革运动的资料在2011年仍然是hacking的部分,只是比重不如过去的3年。2011年的最大的aha是得益于神哲学的基础,感谢上帝,到了这个2011快要结束时Shawn终于确认了一些开始于2005年的事情,但要逆向工程第四级别的隐喻还得花一些时间,这个时间恐怕会超过7年。
Dec 31:
北京时间5:15AM,DNFWAH的第二期发布,第一期发布后的40天左右下载量达到了200,原本预期第二期发布后的24小时下载量不会超过50,毕竟作为一份old school风格的中文ezine并不受太多人的关注,早上在solidot上报道了后70分钟内下载量达到83,Shawn看到后跟朋友讲今天的下载量大概会在200左右,可惜50分钟后下载量已经达到203,Shawn就一直跟朋友讲,或许今天第二期的下载量会突破300,400,500,600,700....到下午吃饭的时候已经突破900,TMD这不是稣哥耍我们吗?对于hacking on life/Purpose/Knowledge的old school中文ezine怎么可能会有这么多人关注?到现在(10:08PM)时已经突破1097下载了,也就是说DNFWAH Issue 2发布16个小时后下载量突破了1000,whatever...希望读者们能严肃的去思考自己的人生意义,这里Shawn必须感谢Phrack的作者们,如果没有他们就不可能有这份ezine,2011年的最后一天以这种方式结束还算是aha,也算给稣哥交帐了。
Richard Resnick:欢迎进入基因革命时代
Stephen Wolfram加入救生艇基金会下赌注--奇点
Doom 3源代码发布
Intel公布Xeon E5和Knights Corner众核处理器
Ivy Bridge已经开始批量生产
Android 4.0发布
Happy Programmer's Day 2011(程序员节快乐)
AI vs AI--当AI与自己聊天
Doom III源代码将会随Rage发售开源
MIT OCW开放量子复杂性理论课程
记念Alan Turning(阿兰.图灵)第99个生日
IBM Waston震撼医生
dnfwah Issue 1发布
Metasploit 3.7包含了Apple iOS漏洞利用
Michio Kaku的黑暗预言---摩尔定律将失效
开放硬件新书---Arduino: a Quick-Start Guide
Merry Christmas! Shalom, brothers and sisters!
May L0rd's hacking spirit guide us in 2012!
Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience.And if it hurts,it's probably worth it.God is Love!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
A Biopunk Manifesto(Chinese translation)
A Biopunk Manifesto是由现居比利时的美女生物黑客Meredith L. Patterson在2010年1月30日所写,这份Manifesto的内容对于计算机黑客而言很容易理解,黑客伦理影响的第一大领域当然是计算机领域,Creative Commons许可证作为类GPL在艺术领域的变种一直支撑着像Clearbits(当年的beta legal torrents)这样的艺术黑客社区的发展.但这个时代性的背景毋庸置疑的指向了科技,而能改变未来的三大科技就是AI, Biotechnology和Quantum Mechanics,如果非要用Singularitarian的术语:G(enetic), N(anotechnology), R(obtics);whatever,所有的技术的方向都是朝着Strong AI进军.当然这个过程会经历几个阶段,而这个阶段(2011--2022)则是生物科技商业化的最后预备阶段,难怪Bill Gates也在劝大家去研究molecular biology,生物黑客至今的影响力已经超过艺术黑客,成为黑客伦理直接影响下的第2大社区.
Shawn自从2010年11月开始hacking复杂系统,最近一年的业余hacking搞明白了为什么复杂系统的基础概念和跟奇点的联系,自然跟奇点(Shawn上次对奇点的总结:The Singularity is coming: A Monkey-coder's Perspective)有关的领域特别是那三大领域就特别关注,生物领域肯定是首当其冲,Shawn这次翻译这篇文章只是出于兴趣,也让更多的中国年轻人认识到世界的进化历程,对于翻译质量Shawn可没有什么保证.
btw: 犹太人必定言出必行!!!
这篇文章遵循创作共享协议3.0(Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License)
原文url: http://maradydd.livejournal.com/496085.html
作者: Meredith L. Patterson
译者: Shawn the R0ck
A Biopunk Manifesto
The following was delivered yesterday at the UCLA Center for Society and Genetics' symposium, "Outlaw Biology? Public Participation in the Age of Big Bio".
继续跟踪了昨天提交到UCLA(加州大学洛杉矶分校)中心的社会与基因学研讨会上的文章: "丧失公民公共参与的大生物学时代?"
It is inspired by, and deliberately follows the form of, "A Cypherpunk Manifesto" by Eric Hughes.
编写生物朋克宣言是受到了Eric Hughes的"一名电子朋克的宣言"的启发.
Scientific literacy is necessary for a functioning society in the modern age. Scientific literacy is not science education. A person educated in science can understand science; a scientifically literate person can *do* science. Scientific literacy empowers everyone who possesses it to be active contributors to their own health care, the quality of their food, water, and air, their very interactions with their own bodies and the complex world around them.
Society has made dramatic progress in the last hundred years toward the promotion of education, but at the same time, the prevalence of citizen science has fallen. Who are the twentieth-century equivalents of Benjamin Franklin, Edward Jenner, Marie Curie or Thomas Edison? Perhaps Steve Wozniak, Bill Hewlett, Dave Packard or Linus Torvalds -- but the scope of their work is far narrower than that of the natural philosophers who preceded them. Citizen science has suffered from a troubling decline in diversity, and it is this diversity that biohackers seek to reclaim. We reject the popular perception that science is only done in million-dollar university, government, or corporate labs; we assert that the right of freedom of inquiry, to do research and pursue understanding under one's own direction, is as fundamental a right as that of free speech or freedom of religion. We have no quarrel with Big Science; we merely recall that Small Science has always been just as critical to the development of the body of human knowledge, and we refuse to see it extinguished.
过去的几百年里神奇的社会进化历程让教育得到了普及,但同时,曾经盛行的公民科学已经濒临消亡.谁是20世纪的Benjamin Franklin, Edward Jenner, Marie Curie or Thomas Edison? 或许他们是Steve Wozniak, Bill Hewlett, Dave Packard or Linus Torvalds(Shawn:怎么能没有RMS, Linus只是个工程师, 而大胡子是真正的哲学家) --- 但他们的工作领域比起自然哲学家的确太过于狭窄.公民科学遭受了多元性的减少,而这样的多元性正是生物黑客所需要回归的本质.我们抛弃那些大众的错误观念:科学研究需要大学,政府和财团的实验室投入上百万的美刀才能完成.我们断言探究未知领域的权利就像言论自由和宗教自由一样是基本的权利.我们不是指需要大量人力财力投入的"大科学",而是指个人和小社区能够通过hacking完成的"小科学",我们拒绝看到它灭绝.
Research requires tools, and free inquiry requires that access to tools be unfettered. As engineers, we are developing low-cost laboratory equipment and off-the-shelf protocols that are accessible to the average citizen. As political actors, we support open journals, open collaboration, and free access to publicly-funded research, and we oppose laws that would criminalize the possession of research equipment or the private pursuit of inquiry.
Perhaps it seems strange that scientists and engineers would seek to involve themselves in the political world -- but biohackers have, by necessity, committed themselves to doing so. The lawmakers who wish to curtail individual freedom of inquiry do so out of ignorance and its evil twin, fear -- the natural prey and the natural predator of scientific investigation, respectively. If we can prevail against the former, we will dispel the latter. As biohackers it is our responsibility to act as emissaries of science, creating new scientists out of everyone we meet. We must communicate not only the value of our research, but the value of our methodology and motivation, if we are to drive ignorance and fear back into the darkness once and for all.
或许科学家和工程师参与政治世界的活动看起来很陌生 --- 但生物黑客必须这么做.由于"无知"和它的邪恶的双胞胎兄弟---从被掠食者和掠食者的科学研究中发现的"恐惧",制定法律的人希望尽力减少个体的自由探索.如果我们能成功组织前者,我们就能驱散后者.作为生物黑客,我们的责任是作为科学的使者去创造新的领域,这些领域是我们认识的科学家没有触及的.如果我们打算把无知和恐惧都一次性驱散回黑暗之中,我们必须不仅仅关注对研究直接价值的方面,也要关注我们的方法论和动机方面的价值.
We the biopunks are dedicated to putting the tools of scientific investigation into the hands of anyone who wants them. We are building an infrastructure of methodology, of communication, of automation, and of publicly available knowledge.
Biopunks experiment. We have questions, and we don't see the point in waiting around for someone else to answer them. Armed with curiosity and the scientific method, we formulate and test hypotheses in order to find answers to the questions that keep us awake at night. We publish our protocols and equipment designs, and share our bench experience, so that our fellow biopunks may learn from and expand on our methods, as well as reproducing one another's experiments to confirm validity. To paraphrase Eric Hughes, "Our work is free for all to use, worldwide. We don't much care if you don't approve of our research topics." We are building on the work of the Cypherpunks who came before us to ensure that a widely dispersed research community cannot be shut down.
当生物朋克们在实验中遇到问题,我们不会等着其他人来解决.在好奇心和科学方法武装下,我们兴奋的整个晚上用公式来测试假设和寻找答案.我们会公布所有的草案和设备的设计,分享我们的经验,我们团契中的生物朋克可以学习和扩展我们的方法,就像重新产生了另外一次实验去验证有效性一样.Eric hughes所言,"我们的工作是让全世界都能自由的使用.我们不在乎你不赞同我们的研究题目.".我们正在构建一个像电子朋克那样渗透到诸多黑客社区的革命.
Biopunks deplore restrictions on independent research, for the right to arrive independently at an understanding of the world around oneself is a fundamental human right. Curiosity knows no ethnic, gender, age, or socioeconomic boundaries, but the opportunity to satisfy that curiosity all too often turns on economic opportunity, and we aim to break down that barrier. A thirteen-year-old kid in South Central Los Angeles has just as much of a right to investigate the world as does a university professor. If thermocyclers are too expensive to give one to every interested person, then we'll design cheaper ones and teach people how to build them.
Biopunks take responsibility for their research. We keep in mind that our subjects of interest are living organisms worthy of respect and good treatment, and we are acutely aware that our research has the potential to affect those around us. But we reject outright the admonishments of the precautionary principle, which is nothing more than a paternalistic attempt to silence researchers by inspiring fear of the unknown. When we work, it is with the betterment of the community in mind -- and that includes our community, your community, and the communities of people that we may never meet. We welcome your questions, and we desire nothing more than to empower you to discover the answers to them yourselves.
生物朋克对他们的研究负责.我们时刻提醒自己那些有趣的研究主题都关乎值得尊重的活的有机体,我们敏锐的察觉到我们的研究对它们会有潜在的影响.但我们拒绝像家长式作风般地对未知领域的恐惧所产生的草率的预防警告原则.我们的工作是对社区的改造 --- 包括我们的社区,你们的社区和那些素未谋面的生物黑客社区.我们欢迎任何提问,我们渴望你能够去探索那些你想要知道答案的领域.
The biopunks are actively engaged in making the world a place that everyone can understand. Come, let us research together.
Shawn自从2010年11月开始hacking复杂系统,最近一年的业余hacking搞明白了为什么复杂系统的基础概念和跟奇点的联系,自然跟奇点(Shawn上次对奇点的总结:The Singularity is coming: A Monkey-coder's Perspective)有关的领域特别是那三大领域就特别关注,生物领域肯定是首当其冲,Shawn这次翻译这篇文章只是出于兴趣,也让更多的中国年轻人认识到世界的进化历程,对于翻译质量Shawn可没有什么保证.
btw: 犹太人必定言出必行!!!
这篇文章遵循创作共享协议3.0(Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License)
原文url: http://maradydd.livejournal.com/496085.html
作者: Meredith L. Patterson
译者: Shawn the R0ck
A Biopunk Manifesto
The following was delivered yesterday at the UCLA Center for Society and Genetics' symposium, "Outlaw Biology? Public Participation in the Age of Big Bio".
继续跟踪了昨天提交到UCLA(加州大学洛杉矶分校)中心的社会与基因学研讨会上的文章: "丧失公民公共参与的大生物学时代?"
It is inspired by, and deliberately follows the form of, "A Cypherpunk Manifesto" by Eric Hughes.
编写生物朋克宣言是受到了Eric Hughes的"一名电子朋克的宣言"的启发.
Scientific literacy is necessary for a functioning society in the modern age. Scientific literacy is not science education. A person educated in science can understand science; a scientifically literate person can *do* science. Scientific literacy empowers everyone who possesses it to be active contributors to their own health care, the quality of their food, water, and air, their very interactions with their own bodies and the complex world around them.
Society has made dramatic progress in the last hundred years toward the promotion of education, but at the same time, the prevalence of citizen science has fallen. Who are the twentieth-century equivalents of Benjamin Franklin, Edward Jenner, Marie Curie or Thomas Edison? Perhaps Steve Wozniak, Bill Hewlett, Dave Packard or Linus Torvalds -- but the scope of their work is far narrower than that of the natural philosophers who preceded them. Citizen science has suffered from a troubling decline in diversity, and it is this diversity that biohackers seek to reclaim. We reject the popular perception that science is only done in million-dollar university, government, or corporate labs; we assert that the right of freedom of inquiry, to do research and pursue understanding under one's own direction, is as fundamental a right as that of free speech or freedom of religion. We have no quarrel with Big Science; we merely recall that Small Science has always been just as critical to the development of the body of human knowledge, and we refuse to see it extinguished.
过去的几百年里神奇的社会进化历程让教育得到了普及,但同时,曾经盛行的公民科学已经濒临消亡.谁是20世纪的Benjamin Franklin, Edward Jenner, Marie Curie or Thomas Edison? 或许他们是Steve Wozniak, Bill Hewlett, Dave Packard or Linus Torvalds(Shawn:怎么能没有RMS, Linus只是个工程师, 而大胡子是真正的哲学家) --- 但他们的工作领域比起自然哲学家的确太过于狭窄.公民科学遭受了多元性的减少,而这样的多元性正是生物黑客所需要回归的本质.我们抛弃那些大众的错误观念:科学研究需要大学,政府和财团的实验室投入上百万的美刀才能完成.我们断言探究未知领域的权利就像言论自由和宗教自由一样是基本的权利.我们不是指需要大量人力财力投入的"大科学",而是指个人和小社区能够通过hacking完成的"小科学",我们拒绝看到它灭绝.
Research requires tools, and free inquiry requires that access to tools be unfettered. As engineers, we are developing low-cost laboratory equipment and off-the-shelf protocols that are accessible to the average citizen. As political actors, we support open journals, open collaboration, and free access to publicly-funded research, and we oppose laws that would criminalize the possession of research equipment or the private pursuit of inquiry.
Perhaps it seems strange that scientists and engineers would seek to involve themselves in the political world -- but biohackers have, by necessity, committed themselves to doing so. The lawmakers who wish to curtail individual freedom of inquiry do so out of ignorance and its evil twin, fear -- the natural prey and the natural predator of scientific investigation, respectively. If we can prevail against the former, we will dispel the latter. As biohackers it is our responsibility to act as emissaries of science, creating new scientists out of everyone we meet. We must communicate not only the value of our research, but the value of our methodology and motivation, if we are to drive ignorance and fear back into the darkness once and for all.
或许科学家和工程师参与政治世界的活动看起来很陌生 --- 但生物黑客必须这么做.由于"无知"和它的邪恶的双胞胎兄弟---从被掠食者和掠食者的科学研究中发现的"恐惧",制定法律的人希望尽力减少个体的自由探索.如果我们能成功组织前者,我们就能驱散后者.作为生物黑客,我们的责任是作为科学的使者去创造新的领域,这些领域是我们认识的科学家没有触及的.如果我们打算把无知和恐惧都一次性驱散回黑暗之中,我们必须不仅仅关注对研究直接价值的方面,也要关注我们的方法论和动机方面的价值.
We the biopunks are dedicated to putting the tools of scientific investigation into the hands of anyone who wants them. We are building an infrastructure of methodology, of communication, of automation, and of publicly available knowledge.
Biopunks experiment. We have questions, and we don't see the point in waiting around for someone else to answer them. Armed with curiosity and the scientific method, we formulate and test hypotheses in order to find answers to the questions that keep us awake at night. We publish our protocols and equipment designs, and share our bench experience, so that our fellow biopunks may learn from and expand on our methods, as well as reproducing one another's experiments to confirm validity. To paraphrase Eric Hughes, "Our work is free for all to use, worldwide. We don't much care if you don't approve of our research topics." We are building on the work of the Cypherpunks who came before us to ensure that a widely dispersed research community cannot be shut down.
当生物朋克们在实验中遇到问题,我们不会等着其他人来解决.在好奇心和科学方法武装下,我们兴奋的整个晚上用公式来测试假设和寻找答案.我们会公布所有的草案和设备的设计,分享我们的经验,我们团契中的生物朋克可以学习和扩展我们的方法,就像重新产生了另外一次实验去验证有效性一样.Eric hughes所言,"我们的工作是让全世界都能自由的使用.我们不在乎你不赞同我们的研究题目.".我们正在构建一个像电子朋克那样渗透到诸多黑客社区的革命.
Biopunks deplore restrictions on independent research, for the right to arrive independently at an understanding of the world around oneself is a fundamental human right. Curiosity knows no ethnic, gender, age, or socioeconomic boundaries, but the opportunity to satisfy that curiosity all too often turns on economic opportunity, and we aim to break down that barrier. A thirteen-year-old kid in South Central Los Angeles has just as much of a right to investigate the world as does a university professor. If thermocyclers are too expensive to give one to every interested person, then we'll design cheaper ones and teach people how to build them.
Biopunks take responsibility for their research. We keep in mind that our subjects of interest are living organisms worthy of respect and good treatment, and we are acutely aware that our research has the potential to affect those around us. But we reject outright the admonishments of the precautionary principle, which is nothing more than a paternalistic attempt to silence researchers by inspiring fear of the unknown. When we work, it is with the betterment of the community in mind -- and that includes our community, your community, and the communities of people that we may never meet. We welcome your questions, and we desire nothing more than to empower you to discover the answers to them yourselves.
生物朋克对他们的研究负责.我们时刻提醒自己那些有趣的研究主题都关乎值得尊重的活的有机体,我们敏锐的察觉到我们的研究对它们会有潜在的影响.但我们拒绝像家长式作风般地对未知领域的恐惧所产生的草率的预防警告原则.我们的工作是对社区的改造 --- 包括我们的社区,你们的社区和那些素未谋面的生物黑客社区.我们欢迎任何提问,我们渴望你能够去探索那些你想要知道答案的领域.
The biopunks are actively engaged in making the world a place that everyone can understand. Come, let us research together.
Thursday, October 06, 2011
Shawn the Shi* living like a dog
Holy shi*, it's hard to share about what the fuc* of my life in 2011. After thinking in a long night I just can say I was living like a dog this year. I have spent a lot of time for really boring job, repeat again and again. It would be suck to a hacker, right? Where the frenk'in of my creative and passions? I felt like it's all gone in past few months. I hate wasting life on boring work. Only the coward would do complain the "unfair" world and keep finding excuses but the truth is I was playing a coward this year. I want hacking/hiking/gaming like a real hacker. I want to startup again, and I will use free software solution this time. When? It's still planning... The Creator of Universe, help a coward to become a real warrior. May your will be done but not mine!
Yes, I'm living like a dog. But I'm still have to share the philosophy of free software to friends, I gave a free speech( downloadable slide) on Software Freedom Day 2011 in Chengdu Linux User Group. Only few enthusiasts came:

hiking on the trail:

the 2nd day we hiking into the montain:

beatiful snow views:



Thank to my beautiful wife has been always supporting my path which is subculture:

dude, we need to across the yak's territory:


Do not look at the middle:



I love this book:Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle. I presented 15 copies of Chinese version to those people I met in seminar and trip. I will present another 55 copies to Chinese native speaker hackers. I don't why I think I'm duty share the oldest religion and the cutting-edge technology where comes from Israel, to hackers.

Burning stuff:

Ashes, looks like in inferno. Hhh... If God takes those nominal Christians who are greedy hypocrites to heaven, I would prefer inferno-_-

The morning of the 3rd day:

hello, dog:
Yes, I'm living like a dog. But I'm still have to share the philosophy of free software to friends, I gave a free speech( downloadable slide) on Software Freedom Day 2011 in Chengdu Linux User Group. Only few enthusiasts came:
hiking on the trail:
the 2nd day we hiking into the montain:
beatiful snow views:
Thank to my beautiful wife has been always supporting my path which is subculture:
dude, we need to across the yak's territory:
Do not look at the middle:
I love this book:Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle. I presented 15 copies of Chinese version to those people I met in seminar and trip. I will present another 55 copies to Chinese native speaker hackers. I don't why I think I'm duty share the oldest religion and the cutting-edge technology where comes from Israel, to hackers.
Burning stuff:
Ashes, looks like in inferno. Hhh... If God takes those nominal Christians who are greedy hypocrites to heaven, I would prefer inferno-_-
The morning of the 3rd day:
hello, dog:
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The Singularity is coming: A Monkey-coder's Perspective
I would like to introduce a great genius futurist hacker---Ray Kurzweil. You can google him then you will get a lot of information. He discussed how technology has been changing our future in his book "The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology". He gave examples from different fields, such as quantum mechanic, nanotechnology, AI, biotechnology, etc. One of the interesting things is that Kurzweil made a list of predictions including the time frame:
1, 2020s---Personal computers will have the same processing power as human brains. Human will build the non-linear math model of the brain by reversing engineering. Machine will pass the turning test in 2029 that will be the start of Strong AI.
2, 2030s---Billions of nanobots will enter into human body to antiage and against disease. Today's sci-fi's mind uploading will become possible.
3, 2040s---1000USD buys a computer a billion times more powerful than the human brain. Human body 3.0(as Kurzweil calls it) come into existence. We will become Cyborg. The human-machine civilization will be emerged from the merge process of the biological evolution and the technological evolution. Human beings as the high-level intelligence creatures will not feel lonely anymore.
And, Kurzweil splited evolving universe into 6 epochs:

Epoch 1. Physics and Chemistry
This epoch starts at the beginning of the universe. In this epoch, information is mostly held in subatomic structures such as particles and atoms. That is, the most complicated stable objects in the universe do not exceed the molecular scale in size or complexity.
Epoch 2. Biology and DNA
This epoch starts with the beginning of life on Earth, suddenly giving rise to more complicated, yet stable, organisms that are capable of growth and self-sustainment. However, in this epoch organisms do not change within their lifetimes as evolution takes thousands of generations. Moreoever, in this stage, genetic information is stored in DNA molecules.
Epoch 3. Brains
The evolution of life gradually produced more and more complex organisms, necessitating the need for fast central control and thus giving rise to the evolution of brains. With brains, organisms can now change their behavior dynamically to suit changes in the environment and can also learn from past experiences. Evolutionary information is, in this stage, stored in neural patterns.
Epoch 4. Technology
Evolution of brains culminates with the evolution of humans, which possess the ability to create technology. In this stage, technological designs are also subject to evolution and information is held in hardware and software designs.
Epoch 5. The Merger of Human Technology with Human Intelligence
This epoch, which Kurzweil argues we are in the process of entering, is where technology reaches a level of sophistication and fine-structuring comparable with that of biology, allowing the two to merge to create higher forms of life and intelligence.
Epoch 6. The Universe Wakes Up
After mastering the methods of technology and biology, Kurzweil predicts that human/machine civilization will expand its frontiers into the universe, gradually (or perhaps explosively) consuming the contents of the cosmos until the universe reaches a 'saturated' state where all inanimate matter has been converted to substrates for computation and intelligence, and a truly universal super-intelligence takes form.
This book was published by Viking press(Same publishing as KK's What Technology Wants) in 2005. It's one of the best-seller book in Amazon. This book is still Top-10 sales of Kindle version in 2011. It's definetely influencing on the world view of younger generations. But it does not mean Kurzweil's philosophy is an absolute standard. There are two critical articles "The Singularity is Far: A Neuroscientist's View" which argued about reverse engineering the brain is harder than Kurzweil's approach and Is The Singularity Near Or Far? It's A Software Problem which questioned some of Kurzweil's predictions are too optimistically.
Before I've read Kurzweil's book. I have been hacking a bunch of things, such as philosophy, technology, traditional religion, metaphors of mythology(The Lord of the Rings and DND are my old testament, Foundation series and The Last Question are my new testament). I noticed that these fields have a philosophical fundamental elements: Unity and Diversity. In technological level, I tried to put them into the cloud which I talked about on my last article. The concept of cloud is merging every fields of information technology into a complex system. You(hackers, amateurs, commercial company) have to concern many issues(hardware system, Operating System, optimization, data communication, security, openAPI, etc) if you want to build a cloud. According to wired magazine and some sources of information, we must cross 3 stages to reach the singularity at least.
2011---2022, the whole complex system will be formed by merging information technology.
2022---2034, the paradigm of "design" shift to "evolve".
2034---2046, fuc*~hacker(you might calls "singularitarian") know what's going to be happend---singularity.
I do believe that there are 4 singularities in the evolution of the history of the universe. And we are getting closer to the 5th one:
-[ 1st, The Singularity of Universe:
Most hydrogen atoms were born at the beginning of time. They are as old as time itself. They were created in the fires of the big bang and dispersed into the universe as a uniform warm mist. Thereafter, each atom has been on a lonely journey.
-[ 2nd, The Singularity of Biology:
Cambrian explosion, around 530 millions years ago. Most of species we have already know today are heritance from the evlution tree of after-cambrian.
-[ 3rd, The Singularity of Human:
I agree with KK's view: The creation of language was the first singularity for human 50,000 years ago. It changed everything after language-creation and the language accelerates hacking the new things. And it provided a effective way to spread the knowledge out.
-[ 4th, The Singularity of Modern Human civilization:
The collision of Hebrew religion and Greek philosophy from BC 180 to AC 90. The result of the collision was not just about Christian religion. It was about a strong paradigm that merged the theological philosophy and philosophical theology, which still have influence today. Those 4 strong communities we can see today: Jew, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav. I really don't want to talk about this one here. But I did.....
-[ 5th, The Singularity of Human-Machine civilization:

When machine process capability beyond the human brains in 2040s. I'm thinking what if the singularity will come in 2046 that must be a joke or metaphor which from SOMEONE. Don't you remember ENIAC was produced in 1946. A bunch of barries are still out there which stuck us to reach the strong AI, we need a breakthrough. I would like to cite Marvin Minsky's philosophy here:" If you understand something in only one way, then you don't really understand it at all. This is because, if something goes wrong, you get stuck with a thought that just sits in your mind with nowhere to go. The secret of what anything means to us depends on how we've connected it to all the other things we know. This is why, when someone learns "by rote," we say that they don't really understand. However, if you have several different representations then, when one approach fails you can try another. Of course, making too many indiscriminate connections will turn a mind to mush. But well-connected representations let you turn ideas around in your mind, to envision things from many perspectives until you find one that works for you. And that's what we mean by thinking!".
We are getting closer to the singularity today. The model of "Sci-fi(theology,philosophy) --> Science--> engineering" is still keeping running at exponential growth rate. Kurzweil gives a definition of Singularitarian is "someone who understands the Singularity and has reflected on its meaning for his or her own life." and the 6th epoch is the wake up of the Universe which implying another type of god. Seems familiar if you have read the Issac Asimov's book(Foundation series and The Last Question). Don't give me wrong, singularitarian is different from a sort of artificial religion reffered to as Scientism in Foundations. The stage of wake up of the Universe is very similar to the final type of Strong AI in "The Last Question".
Singularity is coming! What would a christian hacker do? KK cited a sentence from Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi:"There is more good than evil in the world--but not by much.". Even if the positive part of technology is only 0.1 percent greater than negative part, we still have to embrace it. Find your faith and position in this era, and go through with your sacred vision into the secular world.
May L0rd's hacking spirit guide us!!!
1, 2020s---Personal computers will have the same processing power as human brains. Human will build the non-linear math model of the brain by reversing engineering. Machine will pass the turning test in 2029 that will be the start of Strong AI.
2, 2030s---Billions of nanobots will enter into human body to antiage and against disease. Today's sci-fi's mind uploading will become possible.
3, 2040s---1000USD buys a computer a billion times more powerful than the human brain. Human body 3.0(as Kurzweil calls it) come into existence. We will become Cyborg. The human-machine civilization will be emerged from the merge process of the biological evolution and the technological evolution. Human beings as the high-level intelligence creatures will not feel lonely anymore.
And, Kurzweil splited evolving universe into 6 epochs:

Epoch 1. Physics and Chemistry
This epoch starts at the beginning of the universe. In this epoch, information is mostly held in subatomic structures such as particles and atoms. That is, the most complicated stable objects in the universe do not exceed the molecular scale in size or complexity.
Epoch 2. Biology and DNA
This epoch starts with the beginning of life on Earth, suddenly giving rise to more complicated, yet stable, organisms that are capable of growth and self-sustainment. However, in this epoch organisms do not change within their lifetimes as evolution takes thousands of generations. Moreoever, in this stage, genetic information is stored in DNA molecules.
Epoch 3. Brains
The evolution of life gradually produced more and more complex organisms, necessitating the need for fast central control and thus giving rise to the evolution of brains. With brains, organisms can now change their behavior dynamically to suit changes in the environment and can also learn from past experiences. Evolutionary information is, in this stage, stored in neural patterns.
Epoch 4. Technology
Evolution of brains culminates with the evolution of humans, which possess the ability to create technology. In this stage, technological designs are also subject to evolution and information is held in hardware and software designs.
Epoch 5. The Merger of Human Technology with Human Intelligence
This epoch, which Kurzweil argues we are in the process of entering, is where technology reaches a level of sophistication and fine-structuring comparable with that of biology, allowing the two to merge to create higher forms of life and intelligence.
Epoch 6. The Universe Wakes Up
After mastering the methods of technology and biology, Kurzweil predicts that human/machine civilization will expand its frontiers into the universe, gradually (or perhaps explosively) consuming the contents of the cosmos until the universe reaches a 'saturated' state where all inanimate matter has been converted to substrates for computation and intelligence, and a truly universal super-intelligence takes form.
This book was published by Viking press(Same publishing as KK's What Technology Wants) in 2005. It's one of the best-seller book in Amazon. This book is still Top-10 sales of Kindle version in 2011. It's definetely influencing on the world view of younger generations. But it does not mean Kurzweil's philosophy is an absolute standard. There are two critical articles "The Singularity is Far: A Neuroscientist's View" which argued about reverse engineering the brain is harder than Kurzweil's approach and Is The Singularity Near Or Far? It's A Software Problem which questioned some of Kurzweil's predictions are too optimistically.
Before I've read Kurzweil's book. I have been hacking a bunch of things, such as philosophy, technology, traditional religion, metaphors of mythology(The Lord of the Rings and DND are my old testament, Foundation series and The Last Question are my new testament). I noticed that these fields have a philosophical fundamental elements: Unity and Diversity. In technological level, I tried to put them into the cloud which I talked about on my last article. The concept of cloud is merging every fields of information technology into a complex system. You(hackers, amateurs, commercial company) have to concern many issues(hardware system, Operating System, optimization, data communication, security, openAPI, etc) if you want to build a cloud. According to wired magazine and some sources of information, we must cross 3 stages to reach the singularity at least.
2011---2022, the whole complex system will be formed by merging information technology.
2022---2034, the paradigm of "design" shift to "evolve".
2034---2046, fuc*~hacker(you might calls "singularitarian") know what's going to be happend---singularity.
I do believe that there are 4 singularities in the evolution of the history of the universe. And we are getting closer to the 5th one:
-[ 1st, The Singularity of Universe:
Most hydrogen atoms were born at the beginning of time. They are as old as time itself. They were created in the fires of the big bang and dispersed into the universe as a uniform warm mist. Thereafter, each atom has been on a lonely journey.
-[ 2nd, The Singularity of Biology:
Cambrian explosion, around 530 millions years ago. Most of species we have already know today are heritance from the evlution tree of after-cambrian.
-[ 3rd, The Singularity of Human:
I agree with KK's view: The creation of language was the first singularity for human 50,000 years ago. It changed everything after language-creation and the language accelerates hacking the new things. And it provided a effective way to spread the knowledge out.
-[ 4th, The Singularity of Modern Human civilization:
The collision of Hebrew religion and Greek philosophy from BC 180 to AC 90. The result of the collision was not just about Christian religion. It was about a strong paradigm that merged the theological philosophy and philosophical theology, which still have influence today. Those 4 strong communities we can see today: Jew, Anglo-Saxon, German, Slav. I really don't want to talk about this one here. But I did.....
-[ 5th, The Singularity of Human-Machine civilization:

When machine process capability beyond the human brains in 2040s. I'm thinking what if the singularity will come in 2046 that must be a joke or metaphor which from SOMEONE. Don't you remember ENIAC was produced in 1946. A bunch of barries are still out there which stuck us to reach the strong AI, we need a breakthrough. I would like to cite Marvin Minsky's philosophy here:" If you understand something in only one way, then you don't really understand it at all. This is because, if something goes wrong, you get stuck with a thought that just sits in your mind with nowhere to go. The secret of what anything means to us depends on how we've connected it to all the other things we know. This is why, when someone learns "by rote," we say that they don't really understand. However, if you have several different representations then, when one approach fails you can try another. Of course, making too many indiscriminate connections will turn a mind to mush. But well-connected representations let you turn ideas around in your mind, to envision things from many perspectives until you find one that works for you. And that's what we mean by thinking!".
We are getting closer to the singularity today. The model of "Sci-fi(theology,philosophy) --> Science--> engineering" is still keeping running at exponential growth rate. Kurzweil gives a definition of Singularitarian is "someone who understands the Singularity and has reflected on its meaning for his or her own life." and the 6th epoch is the wake up of the Universe which implying another type of god. Seems familiar if you have read the Issac Asimov's book(Foundation series and The Last Question). Don't give me wrong, singularitarian is different from a sort of artificial religion reffered to as Scientism in Foundations. The stage of wake up of the Universe is very similar to the final type of Strong AI in "The Last Question".
Singularity is coming! What would a christian hacker do? KK cited a sentence from Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi:"There is more good than evil in the world--but not by much.". Even if the positive part of technology is only 0.1 percent greater than negative part, we still have to embrace it. Find your faith and position in this era, and go through with your sacred vision into the secular world.
May L0rd's hacking spirit guide us!!!
Thursday, July 07, 2011
Hacking the wholism of GNU/Linux net*
hi guys,
I have written an article[1] for newbies who are willing to learn networking stuff in linux kernel. I hope this introduction-level article can help you understand the mechanism of netfilter and NIC driver.
For this article, any critical comments are welcomed!
[1] http://hfg-resources.googlecode.com/files/hacking_the_wholism_of_linux_net.txt
I have written an article[1] for newbies who are willing to learn networking stuff in linux kernel. I hope this introduction-level article can help you understand the mechanism of netfilter and NIC driver.
For this article, any critical comments are welcomed!
[1] http://hfg-resources.googlecode.com/files/hacking_the_wholism_of_linux_net.txt
Sunday, June 19, 2011
cloud,cloud,cloud---we will be one~WTH
Technology is changing our lives. And, it will not wait for those who don't want to learn the new hacks. After keeping thinking in past 8 months then I have to say: to embrace the technology is my only option. This world doesn't care my purpose of life but I do care. There must be some reasons that I was born in 1986 nor 1968. And there are also some reasons that I was born in this era. Yes, I have HOPE for eternal world. It doesn't mean I'm going to wait for death. Because I want to know more about this world, so I have to deal with complex system. Why? It's the 21st century-:)
wait, What the hell is Complex System? I don't want a kind of bullshit answer that includes a bunch of words I never heard. Unfortunately, I have to learn these new stuff if I need to understand what the hell of the CS(not computer science-_-) really is. I heard the term "complex system" at first time in KK's old book(Out of Control). And, one of friends told me about it's an amazing field because it was born in a fresh'en air of the cross fields. Then I started to read books about CS and try to find out a type of technology philosophy for myself:
Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, and the Economic World, COMPLEXITY: THE EMERGING SCIENCE AT THE EDGE OF ORDER AND CHAOS, Hidden Order: How Adaptation Builds Complexity, What Technology Wants and The Quark and the Jaguar: Adventures in the Simple and the Complex
These books are really fascinating. Some of ideas drives me into some kind of deeper thinking. Is this world designed by SOMEONE or it just evolved for billions of years until now? Or the evolve mechanism has been designed and then it follows the seed principle? How can God design a "imperfect" human brain that it get used to process the "static" paradigms(simplicity) which the informations come from a "dynamic" world(complexity)? Is 1+1+1=3 means a linear paradigm(reductionism?) and 1*1*1=1 means a non-linear paradigm(wholism?)? Will biological creatures have advantages over the mechanical ones? I don't have answers yet. I'm going to keep hacking on CS fields. I think the current epochal characters are science and technology. And the CS is one of the keys(important one) to open the gate of truth for this century.
Cloud computing is definitely a complex system which was born not long ago.Cloud will integrate all information technologies into one. Network systems, server security, mobile, entertainment,etc. I splited the cloud users into some catagories:
--[ 1 As a normal user, each android or iphone users have a great experience of how wonderful service in cloud. Eg: gaming, watching tv, import your user from gmail into android,etc...
--[ 2 As a enterprise user, you can build bunch of management systems(sales, stores, financial,etc) into one where running on the cloud servers. You don't need to care about security or backup stuffs. You can hire someone(force.com?) to build your own apps.And you also could do the data analyze when you have enough data.
--[ 3 As a system administrator, using free softwares to build up a big cloud that it's possible. And dive into hardware hacking level is a good idea too. Eg, Google using cheap x86 platform build a great system, skynet?
--[ 4 As a security hacker, you have to face the evolving of the server-end. The most changes are about virtualization. You have to get used to it. Virtualizations making server stronger and flexibility to defend crackers. Remember that clound have powerful computing resources which means apply some kind of AI is possible.
Maybe there are more types of users who are using cloud service. I can't list them all here. The matter I want to emphasize that the cloud has already a complete eco-system and it will bring more convenient(cheap) services in the future. Every apps and users are affecting each other and co-evolution is happening. A single user is like a unconscious molecule cell in a group of people(tissues). A group of people as a unconscious tissue in a upper-level maybe it's organ. You can see more diversities in a higher level abstraction. The most important thing is "emergent property". Eg, like a unconscious cell, a neuron is nothing to do with free will. But free will and consciousness will show up when 100 billions of neurons built a trillions of connections. Dahhh, sorry about that I should not use these ecology terms with my nonfluent english. Do you really know what I am talking about? I'm doubting that, because I have no idea what i am talking about-_-
Guffing around my thought is fun. About the answers, I hope you can drop me a line if you want. The conversation is always welcomed in my philosophy!
may L0rd's hacking spirit guide us!!!
wait, What the hell is Complex System? I don't want a kind of bullshit answer that includes a bunch of words I never heard. Unfortunately, I have to learn these new stuff if I need to understand what the hell of the CS(not computer science-_-) really is. I heard the term "complex system" at first time in KK's old book(Out of Control). And, one of friends told me about it's an amazing field because it was born in a fresh'en air of the cross fields. Then I started to read books about CS and try to find out a type of technology philosophy for myself:
Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, and the Economic World, COMPLEXITY: THE EMERGING SCIENCE AT THE EDGE OF ORDER AND CHAOS, Hidden Order: How Adaptation Builds Complexity, What Technology Wants and The Quark and the Jaguar: Adventures in the Simple and the Complex
These books are really fascinating. Some of ideas drives me into some kind of deeper thinking. Is this world designed by SOMEONE or it just evolved for billions of years until now? Or the evolve mechanism has been designed and then it follows the seed principle? How can God design a "imperfect" human brain that it get used to process the "static" paradigms(simplicity) which the informations come from a "dynamic" world(complexity)? Is 1+1+1=3 means a linear paradigm(reductionism?) and 1*1*1=1 means a non-linear paradigm(wholism?)? Will biological creatures have advantages over the mechanical ones? I don't have answers yet. I'm going to keep hacking on CS fields. I think the current epochal characters are science and technology. And the CS is one of the keys(important one) to open the gate of truth for this century.
Cloud computing is definitely a complex system which was born not long ago.Cloud will integrate all information technologies into one. Network systems, server security, mobile, entertainment,etc. I splited the cloud users into some catagories:
--[ 1 As a normal user, each android or iphone users have a great experience of how wonderful service in cloud. Eg: gaming, watching tv, import your user from gmail into android,etc...
--[ 2 As a enterprise user, you can build bunch of management systems(sales, stores, financial,etc) into one where running on the cloud servers. You don't need to care about security or backup stuffs. You can hire someone(force.com?) to build your own apps.And you also could do the data analyze when you have enough data.
--[ 3 As a system administrator, using free softwares to build up a big cloud that it's possible. And dive into hardware hacking level is a good idea too. Eg, Google using cheap x86 platform build a great system, skynet?
--[ 4 As a security hacker, you have to face the evolving of the server-end. The most changes are about virtualization. You have to get used to it. Virtualizations making server stronger and flexibility to defend crackers. Remember that clound have powerful computing resources which means apply some kind of AI is possible.
Maybe there are more types of users who are using cloud service. I can't list them all here. The matter I want to emphasize that the cloud has already a complete eco-system and it will bring more convenient(cheap) services in the future. Every apps and users are affecting each other and co-evolution is happening. A single user is like a unconscious molecule cell in a group of people(tissues). A group of people as a unconscious tissue in a upper-level maybe it's organ. You can see more diversities in a higher level abstraction. The most important thing is "emergent property". Eg, like a unconscious cell, a neuron is nothing to do with free will. But free will and consciousness will show up when 100 billions of neurons built a trillions of connections. Dahhh, sorry about that I should not use these ecology terms with my nonfluent english. Do you really know what I am talking about? I'm doubting that, because I have no idea what i am talking about-_-
Guffing around my thought is fun. About the answers, I hope you can drop me a line if you want. The conversation is always welcomed in my philosophy!
may L0rd's hacking spirit guide us!!!
Friday, April 29, 2011
rock climbing --- a type of hack
I made a list which is a hacking plan in June 2009. It's almost 2 years for now. My hacking is still running by the list. Let's make a short version of that list. There are 3 stages that I have to finish on the road of old school hacking.
1, (2010)Learning GNU/Linux and start doing with a real engineering project which related to data-communication fields, such as developing the product of switch, router, etc.
2, (2011)Start to hack the security part of data-communication field. I'm on this stage now. So I need to get a job like that. Perhaps I'm going to work for a local the biggest security next week.
3, (2013)When above 2 stages done. I will spend my hacking time on server security that means the world of the art of exploits will be open up to me.
It's a not very long plan. It only cost 3--5 years of my life. I looked into the ezine at first time in 2004. But I have no idea what was it talking about. The technique and philosophy are so hard to me. Thank God, I got phrack ezine again last Aug. These high quality papaers might help a lot in my hacking journey.
I resigned my prev job 2 weeks ago. I don't work for money. That would be terrified to those managers who just want to hire a good monkey-coders by a good salary. I think that money as a only reason for work is a stupid of life. Think about that, 40 percents (maybe more) of your life are going to cost by work. What would hacker do? (another version of WWJD?-_-) You tell me.
Today, another "aha" was that I have my first experienced on rock-climbing. Matt (he is a ROR programmer) as a ranger that he lead the way and I followed. I was feeling real great in that 2 hrs of rock-climbing. We have been hacking stuffs (programming and more) on mountain for days. I'm hacking on a paper about SMM rootkit from the 65th issues of phrack mag. Maybe I could share about it in the future.
May LORD's hacking spirit guide us!!!
1, (2010)Learning GNU/Linux and start doing with a real engineering project which related to data-communication fields, such as developing the product of switch, router, etc.
2, (2011)Start to hack the security part of data-communication field. I'm on this stage now. So I need to get a job like that. Perhaps I'm going to work for a local the biggest security next week.
3, (2013)When above 2 stages done. I will spend my hacking time on server security that means the world of the art of exploits will be open up to me.
It's a not very long plan. It only cost 3--5 years of my life. I looked into the ezine at first time in 2004. But I have no idea what was it talking about. The technique and philosophy are so hard to me. Thank God, I got phrack ezine again last Aug. These high quality papaers might help a lot in my hacking journey.
I resigned my prev job 2 weeks ago. I don't work for money. That would be terrified to those managers who just want to hire a good monkey-coders by a good salary. I think that money as a only reason for work is a stupid of life. Think about that, 40 percents (maybe more) of your life are going to cost by work. What would hacker do? (another version of WWJD?-_-) You tell me.
Today, another "aha" was that I have my first experienced on rock-climbing. Matt (he is a ROR programmer) as a ranger that he lead the way and I followed. I was feeling real great in that 2 hrs of rock-climbing. We have been hacking stuffs (programming and more) on mountain for days. I'm hacking on a paper about SMM rootkit from the 65th issues of phrack mag. Maybe I could share about it in the future.
May LORD's hacking spirit guide us!!!
Friday, February 04, 2011
got "What Technology Wants"
before I was started this trip,I googled the mainstream bookstore in hk about KK's new book-What Technology Wants but the final result was no inventory.I was upset and started to think a question,if i should just break my current paradigm(pay for cash) to pay online for this book at once.sound like a dinosaur still living on the planet,right?but thank GOD,my wife finally found this book in the city.What Technology Wants would give you a precise way of explaining that how technology have been affecting our history and the future.The whole history of technological things is run by a kind of organic co-evolution system.That kind of system would never be stopped or influenced by personal human's willing.I think KK's world view is going to bring me into a world which can get closer to the type of world view in planetary.I just finished the 1st chapter of the book reading.At the end of the 1st chapter ,KK mentioned about autonomy's definition.That was really interesting.It reminds me another stuff that our conversation going to be fucked if we dont have a accurate terms.
Met friends in person,watched the video of sci-fi science,and walked down the seaside with my beautiful wife and enjoyed delicious food(sushi,seafood,of course my favorite beef),that's all I have done in past 9 days vacation.
btw:Im writting this blog with my 1st macbook.Dont blame me,dude!Im not RMS or kind of person who are enthusiasm in pure free software.This macbook is for my wife's daily use in most time.I just take a while and look into the macintosh sometimes.To me,GNU/Linux is still my favorite platform.Amen!
This is my precious!


Does uncle Mario has something to do with namco?WHT~~~

But I love Uncle Mario.Plumber probably was the most famous occupation of the kids's dream.

Did I become a experimental object of namco?daahhh...
Met friends in person,watched the video of sci-fi science,and walked down the seaside with my beautiful wife and enjoyed delicious food(sushi,seafood,of course my favorite beef),that's all I have done in past 9 days vacation.
btw:Im writting this blog with my 1st macbook.Dont blame me,dude!Im not RMS or kind of person who are enthusiasm in pure free software.This macbook is for my wife's daily use in most time.I just take a while and look into the macintosh sometimes.To me,GNU/Linux is still my favorite platform.Amen!
This is my precious!
Does uncle Mario has something to do with namco?WHT~~~
But I love Uncle Mario.Plumber probably was the most famous occupation of the kids's dream.
Did I become a experimental object of namco?daahhh...
Saturday, January 08, 2011
How do we deal with A&G trends
这曾经是一篇non-disclosure的文章,但您可以看到这里说明已经是disclosure状态了:-) 希望给热衷于黑客伦理的hacker们在hacking之路上有一份参考的material.From community,for community!!!
|---Author:Shawn the R0ck---|
|---Date:Aug 25th,2010-------|
My fellow gears,
最近quakecon 2010上id software的创始人John Carmack在iphone上演示[1]了新一代的id tech 5引擎---Rage.通常来讲走old school路线的hacker对苹果公司的是嗤之以鼻的,作为一名从1994年就开始玩id出产的每一部游戏的玩家看到了这个演示肯定会兴奋起来.关于面对Apple和Google对新一代的digital natives的影响之大也是我们在未来的社区开放教育和家庭教育中必须去面对的问题.很早之前就想谈谈关于这个话题,今天借这次id准备在iphone平台上的展示作为引题和HFG成员讨论一下.
Unix诞生(1969)到现在也就41年,关于这段历史背景可以去google,早期的UNix社区的hacker都是对硬件,软件,数学,哲学甚至艺术,神学有着想当的功底的家伙,比如berkeley的spice就是一帮怪人花了10多年的时间完成了电路所有可能性的情况的数学模型到计算模型的转换,也就是实现成了code.而Alonzo Church本人也是数学家,但不太清楚他的哲学模型的来源,但肯定和两希的方法论有关系.从工程层面,简洁的讲,老牌UNIX社区的hacker几乎是走的软硬结合的路线.但到了1989年之后,情况发生了变化,个人电脑的兴起导致了很多商业公司也需要各种各样的定制系统,这些需求也就成为了MIS和ERP的原型,个人电脑的兴起让hacker们开始对行业系统相关的领域开始关注,他们一部分人进入了银行,证卷,工业系统的开发当中.而随着1990年万维网(www)发明之后的快速增长让在此期间成长起来的hacker进入了Web开发领域,但在90年代这帮hacker的软硬件水平还是相对比较高,之后由于微软, APPLE在各自的平台上开发出了极为简化的开发工具直接让大批量的成长于1998年之后的程序员可以很方便的写程序,也就是说他们的软硬件水平已经不如之前的来自Unix社区的hacker们.2006年,Web已经成为生活在这个星球上的人们必不可少的一部分,相应的所谓Web 2.0的潮流更注重个性化,blog之类的东东由此而来,blog= web log,这可不是什么"博客"的语境能体会其真实意义的,在70年代后期和80年代,hacker们都在终端机上连接到大型机进行工作,而他们都习惯于建立一个自己的log文件用于记录每天的心得,这个log文件会随着时间的流逝变得越来越大.而blog的意思就是说把log放到web上.2006的web开发已成为整个应用的主流,工业用的ERP系统,商业使用的MIS和个人的GTD系统都基于web进行实现,这一时期的LAMP(GNU/Linux+Apache+Mysql+php)和Ror(ruby on rails)比起之前的开发框架大大的加速了开发效率,当然这和个人电脑的价格低廉有很大的关系,web框架为了让开发迅速,所以使用了很多解释型语言的特性相对效率会变得低下,不过比起高性能的廉价个人电脑这点牺牲也算不得什么.
上面一堆废话还是不能详细的描述整个历史的进程,还是建议大家去google吧....2006之后的情况变得更加的复杂,大部分hacker们的知识结构比起1990年发生了很大的变化,hacker不在关注软硬件的本身,而更多的是去关注上层应用的问题,新一代的hacker们把hacking转化成为了generic hacking的形式,也就是说只要follow黑客伦理在任何领域都可以进行hacking,当然这也不是什么新鲜的事情,早在Phrack的1990年代的杂志就已经提到过hacking在general层面上的意义,更早的话可以追述到1980年代的一个hacker的发言(如果没记错,应该是Steve Wozinak):你可以在任何领域成为黑客而不光是在计算机领域,只要你专注于你所专注的创造,木匠黑客也成为可能,etc...黑客伦理对各个领域的渗透在1990年代最早关注和应用的是在犹太社区,当然这几乎是underground的,2000年之后越来越多的hacker在诸多领域兴起比如法律,金融,艺术,教育,etc.关于这一点可以参考以前的那篇threads[2].
1.1 只能亲自体验的生命---隐喻
2001年开始,以2位来自犹太社区的hacker为代表的阵营完成了对早期软硬结合hacking精神到应用程序开发的hacking的范式的转移,这2个家伙你们或许已经非常熟悉---Paul Graham and Joel Sposky.早期的老派Unix黑客的精神延续到了新生代的hacker群体里,但有一点需要关注的是,在新一代应用级别的hacker的代表人物都对两希范式的哲学部分有不浅的了解,而且大多数hacker对软硬结合的知识不比前辈们逊色,写OS和compiler的家伙也不是个例,当然生长在4大社区(犹太,撒克逊,日尔曼,斯拉夫)之外的digital natives相对来讲就没有那么幸运了,直接被应用开发的大潮冲进了大流之中.但这里有一个很关键应该也是很多年轻hacker关心的问题:facebook也是应用的开发,为什么没有诞生在犹太社区以外?Shawn个人觉得这个是很正常的事情,Mark E.Zuckerberg很年轻,请认真的看看有关他创建facebook的访谈,今年纽约时报的一位有名记者写了一本书关于他的书,Mark不是把web开发仅仅当成web开发,而把整个过程看作为有机系统的形成,这是很关键的一点,Shawn只能也只有能力谈到这里,剩下的内容太庞杂涉及4层模型,凡是涉及4层模型本身的Shawn尽量选择面对面的交流.
2.1 Apple的艺术革命
一定要谈谈G和A,今天的主角其实是他们.这2个都是犹太财团在计算机领域的7巨(MS,IBM,G,A,ORACLE,INTEL,FSF)之列,但跟其他几个巨头不太一样的是他们的名气是最大的,为什么很多人都喜欢使用A的产品,Macbook,ipad,iphone,itouch,etc...因为A一直都在给用户宣称你买一台Macbook买的不仅仅是一台机器,而是一种社会标识,意味着你已经在参与艺术普及化的运动之中,这是一场革命,而你深处其中,这样的世界观难道不能深入有识之士的年轻人的内心吗?随便走进一个开放研讨会,如果您使用的是MS-Windows那只会被hacker们不屑一顾的眼光渺上一眼,当然computer/video game LAN-PARTY除外.
2.2 Google的paradigm shift
那G呢?每天我们都在使用google web search,gmail,google group,google buzz,etc...G最牛的也是HFG必须注意的地方是她完整的把原本"曲高和寡"的Unix old-school风格转化(transformed into)成了"世界公民"的日常用品.看看google group的功能,把usenet,mailing list,bbs都完备而简洁的结合到了一起.把最高的愿景实现到最世俗化的世界的程度是两希范式的特点之一,7巨头都有这种能力,但G已经把这种能力发挥到了极致.这里Shawn还可以具一个例子:P-buffers.P-buffers是一款用于把不通的网络协议以自定义的方式存放到数据结构的一个中间层软件,这个东东用途非常广,几乎很多数通产品都会使用类似的软件,你想想?从软件工程看,数据通讯行业是世界上排名在top 5和底层有关系的应用,G把PB的语法弄的很像C和Lisp的结合,这是一个新的尝试,G厉害就厉害在通过这样一个尝试(a try)把世界上跟底层打交道相关的开发者的头脑往G所指的方向上去.G的强大自然不用Shawn来多谈,7巨头中都是软硬结合有机性玩的最酷的也应该是G了,从GNU/Linux kernel,web server,gcc,protocols related stuffs,etc全部是自己定制,但最终的性能超过了很多专业定制的厂商比如RedHat.
目前的世界中还是得化分为2种使用同样的3logies方法论但又在具体形而下的表现形式上完全不通的hacker范式:1,Unix老派hacker 2,generic hacker.这2者在方法论上都来自两希范式,但不同的是展现给世界的形式.
1,undergroud的聚会 2,公开化聚会
1,注重哲学层面的思辨 2,注重技术本身
1,偏旧哥特斯拉夫式的地下室风格 2,典型的新纪元运动中典型美式风格
1,注重各种hacking领域的本质 2,针对相对表面级别的hacking
代表杂志:1,Phrack[4] 2,hackerMonthly[5]
Phrack杂志创办于1985年,目前已经有25年的历史,一帮来自地下的技术精湛的hacker在phrack上写了非常多的高质量文章,在phrack的underground式的语境下,hacking通常指信息安全相关的技术,phracking则是结合无线电通信的一种hacking.phrack代表了old school的hacker的风格,即使到今天他们大多数人仍然喜欢低调的风格,没有大规模的研讨会,甚至业内很多技术得参照phrack的公布来制定相应的安全产品策略,但人们还是不知道到底是哪些人在写这些文章.因为phrack的hacker们大多喜欢使用在irc或者mailinglist里的名字(当然不是真名).phrack还有一个特点是underground的风格让hacker们看起来有无政府主义的倾向,他们热衷于追求某个领域的hacking(信息安全相关技术占30%以上),phrack上的文章您还可以找到教你如何制作炸药包和突击步枪,phracker们对自由和创造性的热衷恐怕是世界上少有的族类,但他们严格的遵守着黑客伦理以至于他们几乎不会去cracking非财团系统的服务器.他们是信息革命的先锋,他们是这场革命的缔造者,但这群世界最顶级的hacker直到今天仍然选择了underground.这是值得我们思考的,如果没有phrack恐怕HFG在的兄弟会(社区)改造上会花上更多的精力,phrack给了我们太多的思考和形而下的资源库.
hackermonthly和phrack相反,走的是disclosure路线,把黑客伦理渗透到各个领域,hackermonthly更关注的是startup(创业),VC(风险投资),技术创业,iphone平台的应用开发,web 2.0,SOA之类的和人们生活息息相关的领域,至少在表面上看起来这些"流行"的技术是这样,这里Shawn完全没有贬低第2种范式hacker的意思,而是必须强调第2种范式来源于第1种范式.Paul Graham和Joel Sposky这2位第2范式的代表在软硬结合的技术方面是非常厉害的,Paul自己开发lisp的方言,在1990年代Paul就是使用common lisp开发的最早一批的电子商务平台,而Joel对SICP的热衷已经在他的Joel on software里谈了很多次.这种范式相比不需要过多介绍.
以上几点是比较明显的2种hacker不同的范式,我们可以来问问自己更适合于哪一种?对于Shawn而言,比例大概是6:4,而有些HFG的gears则完全推崇第一种范式.ok,介绍完了这个现在可以谈谈A和G了,A的产品比如Macbook,iphone,ipad,Shawn从未想过会考虑购买A的产品,A虽然很酷,但对于A在BSD上的偷盗行为相信很多old school hacker还是耿耿于怀,但这次可是id software的游戏跑在iphone上,将来或许还会运行在ipad上,A的影响是巨大的,G的产品gmail,groups,android,etc...G的产品也很有aha,email系统大家都认为不会有太大的创新,但gmail让我们都眼前一亮改变了我们的生活方式,groups结合了ml和bbs,让old school的东东可以容易的让new school接受,android..........如果不仔细hacking一番恐怕很难找到第一种范式的影子,为什么呢?generic式的hacking渗透到了很多非计算机的领域,但不要忘了黑客伦理诞生于计算机领域,而第一种范式则是黑客伦理的发源地(当然这里所谈的hacker ethic是相对狭义的,也就是说没有直接涉入形而上的基础.如Pekka所言,广义的黑客伦理应该追述到柏拉图的学院派和圣奥古斯丁的时期甚至更早).第2种范式是建立在第1种范式的基础上的,上面已经谈到过了两希范式的其中一大原则是在世俗的世界当中去实现那神圣的愿景,A和G的hacker们都知道如果赤裸裸的把一套东东拿出来是没办法来征服世界的,所以必须进行转化(transform into)成世俗能接受的,而macbook和android之类的产品就属于此类最形而下形式的表现.
那对于HFG来讲,处于在这个特定时代性的背景下,如何能尽力站在永恒性的postion出发善用两希范式是一个严肃的问题.phrack式和hackermonthly式的范式我们必须认真来思考,我们今天的哲学观决定了我们的未来!这个话题还有太多的内容要探讨,但有一点在这里必须谈谈,就是有机性(organic)的问题,这个问题关乎有机性的生命(one organic life),即一个生命的个体在处理4大关系(对上帝,对自己,对人,对物质)中使用方法论的耦合度问题.eg:比如一个基督徒礼拜天去教堂作礼拜向上帝忏悔,或许他因为需要心理安慰或者教会的人比较有爱心所以他才去,因为从礼拜一到礼拜六他最亲近的人都觉得他"不算"是个基督徒.Shawn告诉你,这种基督徒非常多,这种基督徒不等同于基督教,不等同于归正神学,更不能等同于基督.这样一种信仰状态说的好听一点叫做生命不成熟,讲的直接点就是精神分裂.看看我们今天中国的互联网环境就知道,很多人写"博客"(不是blog)的内容和他的生命绝对不会匹配(match).这里Shawn可以和你打个赌:如果您可以在Shawn的blog上找到一篇内容和现实生活中的Shawn没有match的,我可以请您吃一个月的方便面:-) 在犹太基督教影响的地区,人们写blog不会精神分裂.
理性思辨所带来的哲学有很多,但关于生命的哲学只有在圣经才有可能找到,基督讲"我就是道路,真理与生命".这里可以作一个类比,即道路-methodology,真理-ontology,生命-epistemology.如果logy的最终没有使生命得益处那恐怕也会输掉人生的博弈游戏.这篇thread涉及的话题诸多,之后还得split into difference topics去细节性的探讨.
May Lord's hacking spirit guide us!!!
愿基督的真理之光洗礼HFG gears们堕落的理性!!!
|---Author:Shawn the R0ck---|
|---Date:Aug 25th,2010-------|
My fellow gears,
最近quakecon 2010上id software的创始人John Carmack在iphone上演示[1]了新一代的id tech 5引擎---Rage.通常来讲走old school路线的hacker对苹果公司的是嗤之以鼻的,作为一名从1994年就开始玩id出产的每一部游戏的玩家看到了这个演示肯定会兴奋起来.关于面对Apple和Google对新一代的digital natives的影响之大也是我们在未来的社区开放教育和家庭教育中必须去面对的问题.很早之前就想谈谈关于这个话题,今天借这次id准备在iphone平台上的展示作为引题和HFG成员讨论一下.
1.1 只能亲自体验的生命---隐喻
2.1 Apple的艺术革命
2.2 Google的paradigm shift
那G呢?每天我们都在使用google web search,gmail,google group,google buzz,etc...
1,undergroud的聚会 2,公开化聚会
1,注重哲学层面的思辨 2,注重技术本身
1,偏旧哥特斯拉夫式的地下室风格 2,典型的新纪元运动中典型美式风格
1,注重各种hacking领域的本质 2,针对相对表面级别的hacking
代表杂志:1,Phrack[4] 2,hackerMonthly[5]
May Lord's hacking spirit guide us!!!
愿基督的真理之光洗礼HFG gears们堕落的理性!!!
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