Monday, December 18, 2006


Master of Doom的最后一章John Carmack谈到:
In the information age,the barriers just aren't there.The barriers are self-imposed.If you want to set off and go develop some grand new thing,you dont need millions of dollars of capitalization.You need enough pizza and Diet Coke to stick in your refrigerator,a cheap PC to work on,and the dedication to go through with it.We slept on floors.We waded across rivers.

某次访谈John Carmack说:
游戏的程序就是一行行的代码,需要你的灵魂才能赋予它以生命,有了生命的游戏才能带给大家快乐,也才能给你所想要的,你的游戏是你的热情,是你的汗水,是你的喜怒哀乐,是你的梦想,你的游戏,其实就是你自己. 我从未度过没有编程的一天,这就是我的全部.

昨天看Bible时有一段经文很不错,在撒木耳记下(2 Samuel):
22:3 我的神,我的磐石,我所投靠的。他是我的盾牌,是拯救我的角,是我的高台,是我的避难所。我的救主阿,你是救我脱离强暴的。
The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my saviour; thou savest me from violence.

22:4 我要求告当赞美的耶和华,这样,我必从仇敌手中被救出来。
I will call on the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.

今天开始看Intoduction to Algorithm(Second Edition),在Preface里作者根据针对不同的人群有了不同的建议,这里摘录To Professionals:
The wide range of topics in this book makes it an excellent handbook on algorithms. Because each chapter is relatively self-contained, you can focus in on the topics that most interest you.

Most of the algorithms we discuss have great practical utility. We therefore address implementation concerns and other engineering issues. We often provide practical alternatives to the few algorithms that are primarily of theoretical interest.

If you wish to implement any of the algorithms, you will find the translation of our pseudocode into your favorite programming language a fairly straightforward task. The pseudocode is designed to present each algorithm clearly and succinctly. Consequently, we do not address error-handling and other software-engineering issues that require specific assumptions about your programming environment. We attempt to present each algorithm simply and directly without allowing the idiosyncrasies of a particular programming language to obscure its essence.

偶然间在某XX的blog上看到了David Chappell在TechEd-Boston(2006)上的话:
If you are a developer, and you don’t like change, you should get out of this business as early as possible.

If you are a Developer, you should always reset yourself, reset what you learn and do thing before, fundamentally.

看到了一个问Java创始人James Gosling的问题,从他的名字和他喜欢的音乐类型来看他或许是位弟兄,不过也有可能只是受了文化的影响:
What are your favourite music bands/performers/compositors?
I tend to like folk musicians: Christine Lavin, Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger…

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Small Raiden


或许这是Lord Jesus给我的锻炼爱心的机会吧,记得曾经Jill还有几个MM都说我对狗比对人还好^_^明年就要毕业了,但现在还没什么压力,感谢稣哥与我同在!!!

God bless small Raiden!!!

The First MIT Scheme's program(SICP's homework)

Dont forget parentheses in your program!I use the Scheme IDE which MIT website given us for suggestion.

Exercise 1.3. Define a procedure that takes three numbers as arguments and returns the sum of the two larger numbers.


(define a 200)
(define b 300)
(define c 100)
(define (max)
(cond ((> a b)
(and (> a c) a))
((> b c)
(and (> b a) b))
(else c)))

(define (second)
(cond ((= m b)
(cond (> (- b a) (- b c))
(- b a)
(else (- b c))))))

(define m (max))
(+ m (second))

Monday, December 11, 2006

Why I choose Java Enterprise Technology to learning?

I getted start to study the course about software development 2 years ago.Firstable I was learn the C++ which the part of non-Object Oriented.In early 2006,I start to used the OO C++ that can write some simple case.And I have to choose a solution to learn for cash.Actually I got 2 choice:Java or .NET.But I go forward to study both of development platform in the same time.Almostly I just write some simple code that based on J2SE and Winform.When I reconized that neither solution cant figure enterprise's problem out as quickly as possible that I start to thinking about go further.J2EE is a better choice that I thought.Becuase of Sun Microsystem announced that J2SE and J2ME will be open source code which based on GPLv2 license.You known what,J2EE include many module but all of basically architecture are J2SE.It will be better for developer.

If you read here,maybe you would be thinking about why I give up .NET?Cause of I went some seminar about Windows Vista development that I understood Microsoft wanna make the desktop development to easier.But I prefer solve the enterprise's problem to personal.Windows Vista's user experience and some grand new things looks like good(especially the WPF and CardSpace).But I have to say "no one is perfect".Like as some security provider claim that Windows Vista is still need anti-virus tools even the anti-spyware tools.

Im so sorry about my English gramar.Please help me to correct if you found some error.

God bless you and have a good day!!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Chengdu Microsoft .NET Usergroup party(the 5th)

Nov 25th 2006, a bore afternoon,I went to the Chengdu Microsoft .NET Usergroup party.DP department of Microsoft's employee give a speech about the How to development of Windows Vista in the future.Here is some picture that you can enjoy it.If you wanna join us to next party,give me a mail.

Shawn: citypw(at) gmail(dot) com

Monday, December 04, 2006

Commandos 4:Strike Force玩后随笔

Commandos是一部很经典的游戏,记得我小学5年级就在玩第1个版本, 之后又推出的资料片也很不错,到了第2代变革已经是非常的大,在commandos 2以前的版本里只有贝雷帽可以搬油桶,也只能司机才能开车之类的限制,C2所有人都可以同时做很多我们认为"应该"能做的事情,而且C2的画面也非常的 好,采用3D的很多帖图,记得我当时玩C2的时候是每一关都认真的玩,它具有的游戏性是大家公认的.到了2003年edios发行C3的时候当时我玩了2 关就没什么兴趣继续了,感觉创新不大.

昨天偶然间发现朋友的抽屉里有commandos 4:Strike Force非常的兴奋,感谢老鼠让出机器给我们玩,因为只有他的电脑硬件才能达到要求,这次的变革是巨大的,首先游戏整体类型的改变,由以前的即时战术改 变为了FPS,画质也有了很大的飞跃,安装完成后进入游戏听着音乐我变得非常的兴奋,久别的感觉,记得上次玩Unreal II的时候有过这种兴奋,不过那已经是2003年的事情了~这2年除了有时候玩一下Quake3其他都没怎么玩,昨天下午花了4个小时打到了Norway 的那关,然后我觉得不再继续玩了,由于目前游戏整体质量的提高所以感觉不到有很大的变化,图形是8错了,但其他方面还需要很多改进,当然这不光是C4这一 部游戏的问题,记得去年Microsoft发布Xbox360后曾经宣布说Next-Gen的游戏其主要的变革在于图形,而声音,物理和AI相对来讲还无 法实现足够大的变革,因为目前的硬件在保证图形和网络的前提下很难再花其他资源用于计算如物理或者AI,物理卡是一个解决方案,但AI始终是最难解决的问 题,的确~目前CPU的发展已经遇到了一定的瓶颈,当然这是相对的,主频飞速上升的时代的已经成为历史,但以后的多核CPU也同样给程序员的编程增加了难 度,而游戏开发商就会增加成本,这期的<程序员>杂志上刊登了Herb Sutter写的那篇:
he Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software(原文:,John Carmack在2004年的GDC中提到了多核CPU的开发会造成成本大大增加的风险,但更更大的问题在于目前的游戏太注重游戏图形的发展而忽略了其他 比如AI,FarCry的AI是有很大的进步,但比起人的思维能力还差的远,比如这样一个场景:我作为玩家(P)在FarCry的丛林里遇到了敌人的特种 部队(代号:E),E首先会思考:我是特种部队,对方也是特种部队.我(P)也会意识到E所思考的,同时E也会想到P知道他已经意识到了他的战术...这 种博弈树在经过几个分支之后E大概可以找出"最优策略"或者"最佳策略"然后行动,但这简单的一个运算或许同时面对5个E的时候AI可以做的很成功,但游 戏最终是要面对市场:玩家的需求,玩家可不需要只能限制于跟几个人战斗,但如果把大量的E(不同能力等级的,不光是特种部队)加到场景里,现在没有计算机 硬件可以完成这样的计算.多核或许是一个突破口,但要AI做的非常成功有待于新的计算模型的出现,如生物计算机和光计算机etc...

现 在的游戏是越来越商业化了,国内游戏的主流是ONLINE GAME的环境下很多人都遗忘了单机游戏,我不是说ONLINE不好,我的观点始终是建议年轻人少玩韩国的游戏,这只会扼杀你的创造性甚至比中国教育还要 严重,真的比较怀念以前和朋友玩DOOM和QUAKE的日子.OK,今天屁就放到这里,看资料去了!!!

God bless Chinese gamer!!!Please dont let the Korean game dull our mind and killing our potential.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Marlboro was return my table!!!

Im restart to smoking now. Because I was practice marathon with my friend last year,that the cigarett was throw away from my life.Now,Marlboro is back to my table~cool~its my old friend that I knew it when I was 13.On a other hand,Daikatana getted into my computer.My memorize is very clearly that Daikatana's test version get into my first computer in 2000.This is the Mr.Romero's last PC game when Ion Storm is crashed before.Actually I really like Daikatana's graphic backgroud and gameplay.Here,I have to say "sorry" again,about my computer game which came from id software(include Daikatana) all are privacy version(not like GNU's copyleft).Cause of China has not any publisher to sale it.I was talk to John Romero in Internet last week.As Steven said,the world getting smaller.John agree with that DOOM3 lost the gameplay,but just the graphic is perfect.Of course,the new engine(DOOM3) that id software spend 4 years to developed that lead by John Carmack.I really miss the game feeling within id games like DOOM and QUAKE.The Daikatana is great.It was builded base on QUAKE2 engine that always dark light in the game.I really like this color style of id.

All right.I have to go to sleep.Because I shall going to that frenk'in classroom to sign my name.If I
will not do that,the fuc'in university will not allow my exam to pass.This is fuc'in Chinese education that can not teach you how to live in the real-world.Steven told me that American education has a same problem.But forsure its better than here that I thought.Anyway,GOD BE WITH US!!!