I spent days and nights for listen music that are below list:
Johann Pachelbel Canon and Gigue in D major for 3 violins and Basso Continuo
Dvorak 7th Symphony
Dvorak 9th Symphony(one of my favorite)
Handel Water Music Wassermusik
Handel-Messiah that it's not easy to understand but I will keep listen.
These music are really awsome.It's not just like some boy band,girl band that people called music.These real music that all created by Christians.
Where is the great musician who working for glorify God today?
ignorance if you guys answer "I dont know"
apathy if you guys answer "I dont care"
FATHER,please mercy to our logos.
Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience.And if it hurts,it's probably worth it.God is Love!
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Faith,Suffering and Victory
Suffering come around my life when I accepted Lord Jesus Christ.Why?There is a good sentence could encourging your mind in old hebrew saying (הכל לטובה) and the right pronunciation is "ha-kol le-to-va".It's means that everything will work out in the end in english.You have to suffering while you are trying to build your faith.But your life definitely gonna be changed after you accepted Lord which means D-Day.The V-Day is the New Zion that we can thinking things that cant think which beyond our rational mind.
Some Christians always tell their friends about they guys life are good and no suffering,just because of they guys accepted Lord.This is not good.They guys talk about it but not by Bible "And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.Matt 10:38".
I began to interest myself in Eestern Orthodox Theology recently.Orthodox theology also emphases that suffering is neccessary if you want to build a reformed faith.On the other hand,hum..about my personal experirence.The concept of vampyre(probably people usually to say "vampire") is a little bit of mystery about dark art.ok,forget it!
btw:this girl's body painting is about Linux.It's cool,right?about Linux User Group,we need girls like this:
Some Christians always tell their friends about they guys life are good and no suffering,just because of they guys accepted Lord.This is not good.They guys talk about it but not by Bible "And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.Matt 10:38".
I began to interest myself in Eestern Orthodox Theology recently.Orthodox theology also emphases that suffering is neccessary if you want to build a reformed faith.On the other hand,hum..about my personal experirence.The concept of vampyre(probably people usually to say "vampire") is a little bit of mystery about dark art.ok,forget it!
btw:this girl's body painting is about Linux.It's cool,right?about Linux User Group,we need girls like this:
Thursday, October 09, 2008
beautiful pain to think
文化使命和福音使命必须绑定在一起做,通称为The Great mission(大使命).圣父上帝在旧约时代与亚伯拉罕,以撒,雅各立约,犹太人从此有了祭祀,所有的祭祀都在预表耶酥基督的到来,新约时代通过圣子上帝耶稣基督钉死十字架然后复活,因凡是信靠耶酥基督的圣父上帝就差遣圣灵上帝进入人的里面.但是这里有一个地方需要注意的是主耶酥基督的救赎不光是针对人的,也是针对自然的,因为创世纪第3章讲因为人的罪性而地受了咒诅.基督徒讲太多狭义的福音(针对非信徒的),但是我们讲广义福音的时候太少(针对基督徒的).
4,无所谓的弟兄姐妹,这类人其实有2种,一类是受过高等教育,这里的高等教育Shawn指的不是一定在学校上,包括学习MIT Open Course的家伙们,总之就是具有比较强的理性思考能力的弟兄姐妹,如果他们对文化使命抱着无所谓的态度,Shawn也只能向他们比中指:)还是为他们祷告吧!还有一类是不具备很强理性思考能力的弟兄姐妹,比如农村教会的弟兄姐妹,上帝给了他们多少恩赐他们努力发挥就算荣耀上帝了,这就好比一位清洁工弟兄,只要他信靠主耶酥基督,他只要把地打扫干净他就已经在工作中荣耀上帝了,主会说他是又勤劳又良善的仆人,但如果巴非特没有捐赠380亿美元,那主或许会对他讲"又懒又臭的仆人"
做文化使命很难,或许在神学,哲学,艺术(绘画和音乐)领域稍微容易一些,至少我们还记得st.Augestine,Pascal,Bach这些人,但有多少人记得William Wilberforth,他当年在政治领域做文化使命奋斗了一身最终解放了黑人奴隶.在查考了历史之后只要有些理性分析能力的人都会得出结论:做文化使命是吃力不讨好.但上帝在地上让非信徒一再提醒我们,基督徒能退缩吗?Brothers and sisters,let's making a better world......
1,St.Augestine圣奥古斯丁,奥古斯丁19岁开始研读哲学和雄辩术,但他信主已经是32岁,他很注重在他的领域里积累基础方法论,奥古斯丁在46岁时完成人生3大作品的第1部---那部读的Shawn三次泪下的忏悔录The Confessions,65岁完成了他一身当中质量最高的论三位一体The Trinity,72岁完成了上帝之城The City of God.
2,Shawn很尊重的洪峰老师,1990年洪峰老师22岁开始通过数学,哲学,计算机科学,信息论,最终以泛系方法论(Pansystems methodology)的"举一泛万,系万归一"的方式历经12年终于在2002年基础方法论构建完成.
那6天的思考还不止这些,还包括AI的其中一个分支领域---Machine Learning.在拜读了Peter Norvig的作品后再继续谈吧!
文化使命和福音使命必须绑定在一起做,通称为The Great mission(大使命).圣父上帝在旧约时代与亚伯拉罕,以撒,雅各立约,犹太人从此有了祭祀,所有的祭祀都在预表耶酥基督的到来,新约时代通过圣子上帝耶稣基督钉死十字架然后复活,因凡是信靠耶酥基督的圣父上帝就差遣圣灵上帝进入人的里面.但是这里有一个地方需要注意的是主耶酥基督的救赎不光是针对人的,也是针对自然的,因为创世纪第3章讲因为人的罪性而地受了咒诅.基督徒讲太多狭义的福音(针对非信徒的),但是我们讲广义福音的时候太少(针对基督徒的).
4,无所谓的弟兄姐妹,这类人其实有2种,一类是受过高等教育,这里的高等教育Shawn指的不是一定在学校上,包括学习MIT Open Course的家伙们,总之就是具有比较强的理性思考能力的弟兄姐妹,如果他们对文化使命抱着无所谓的态度,Shawn也只能向他们比中指:)还是为他们祷告吧!还有一类是不具备很强理性思考能力的弟兄姐妹,比如农村教会的弟兄姐妹,上帝给了他们多少恩赐他们努力发挥就算荣耀上帝了,这就好比一位清洁工弟兄,只要他信靠主耶酥基督,他只要把地打扫干净他就已经在工作中荣耀上帝了,主会说他是又勤劳又良善的仆人,但如果巴非特没有捐赠380亿美元,那主或许会对他讲"又懒又臭的仆人"
做文化使命很难,或许在神学,哲学,艺术(绘画和音乐)领域稍微容易一些,至少我们还记得st.Augestine,Pascal,Bach这些人,但有多少人记得William Wilberforth,他当年在政治领域做文化使命奋斗了一身最终解放了黑人奴隶.在查考了历史之后只要有些理性分析能力的人都会得出结论:做文化使命是吃力不讨好.但上帝在地上让非信徒一再提醒我们,基督徒能退缩吗?Brothers and sisters,let's making a better world......
1,St.Augestine圣奥古斯丁,奥古斯丁19岁开始研读哲学和雄辩术,但他信主已经是32岁,他很注重在他的领域里积累基础方法论,奥古斯丁在46岁时完成人生3大作品的第1部---那部读的Shawn三次泪下的忏悔录The Confessions,65岁完成了他一身当中质量最高的论三位一体The Trinity,72岁完成了上帝之城The City of God.
2,Shawn很尊重的洪峰老师,1990年洪峰老师22岁开始通过数学,哲学,计算机科学,信息论,最终以泛系方法论(Pansystems methodology)的"举一泛万,系万归一"的方式历经12年终于在2002年基础方法论构建完成.
那6天的思考还不止这些,还包括AI的其中一个分支领域---Machine Learning.在拜读了Peter Norvig的作品后再继续谈吧!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Freezing Dawn
a frenk'in cool friend who enthusiasm with metal which introduced a frenk'in cool mv(about WarCraft) from a frenk'in cool band!
btw:I was unhappy because of LHC's startup failed.OK,dog~dont talk about happy is yuppie word!
btw:I was unhappy because of LHC's startup failed.OK,dog~dont talk about happy is yuppie word!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
GNU is 25 years old!
A friend of mine who loved free software with enthusiasm,he told me about Freedom Fry — "Happy birthday to GNU".Thank to RMS and punk rock guys who contributed to Free software community!
With keyborad in our fingers and design in our hearts!And in the words of Shawn the R0ck:"We roll tonight to the keyborad bite,and for those about freedom...free software...open hardware~anything about hacking...I salute you."
With keyborad in our fingers and design in our hearts!And in the words of Shawn the R0ck:"We roll tonight to the keyborad bite,and for those about freedom...free software...open hardware~anything about hacking...I salute you."
Monday, September 08, 2008
Trip of KangTing
I have been KangTing about 8 years ago.It was a beautiful city..mountain..people from there that gave me a very good impressive.I..got there again last week!highland climate is great because i could get used of it:)
just look at T-shirt,please...
I have heard about that a lot of guys dead for built this tunnel.
People has get water from here long time ago!
很难用语言来描述此次康定之行的感受,那么多漂亮的大山,纯朴的当地人,当然也有全国各地都有的忧郁的年轻人,真不知道10年后连像四川这样的地区都丧失廉价劳动力(GDP:10,000 USD)的优势后会是什么的情景,我们的核心竞争力到底在哪里?Shawn也只能接近所能打破技术壁垒了,主啊!Shawn能做的就只有这么多了.........
just look at T-shirt,please...
I have heard about that a lot of guys dead for built this tunnel.
People has get water from here long time ago!
很难用语言来描述此次康定之行的感受,那么多漂亮的大山,纯朴的当地人,当然也有全国各地都有的忧郁的年轻人,真不知道10年后连像四川这样的地区都丧失廉价劳动力(GDP:10,000 USD)的优势后会是什么的情景,我们的核心竞争力到底在哪里?Shawn也只能接近所能打破技术壁垒了,主啊!Shawn能做的就只有这么多了.........
Saturday, August 16, 2008
impressive stuff
is vim that it is an operating system with a text editor attached?u must be wondering why would say that?I have play vim in the week,And it has a lot of powerful plugin like this:
highlight the syntax,buffer,files list,functions list,varibles list,code completing,etc..do what you want to got~
one of another good tool is git which just needed type some simple command like git-clone,git-add,git-commit,etc..that you can managing your code version.
I have download the kernel code now....
#git-clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git kernel-2.6
Initialized empty Git repository in /citypw/git/kernel-2.6/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 892386, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (148760/148760), done.
remote: Total 892386 (delta 744367), reused 890216 (delta 742255)
Receiving objects: 100% (892386/892386), 212.83 MiB | 114 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (744367/744367), done.
Checking out files: 100% (24326/24326), done.
btw:关于4层模型简要的介绍一下,依次顺序是(物理<=>数学<=>哲学)<-归正神学(Reform Theology),下3层(物理,数学,哲学)锻造了人们的综合方法论(personnel methodology),但这个综合方法论是否正确需要用归正神学来进行验证.这里Shawn举一个例子,在John Calvin在16世纪创立了归正神学的第一个版本后,无数的科学家和哲学家受到了不同程度的影响,当然方法论的本身也受到了很多影响..........到了20世纪初物理学的研究开始从宏观的牛顿经典理学体系向研究微观世界的变化的量子世界转移,但是物理的模型建立了很多年仍然没有人去建立相应的数学模型,这时计算机科学的灵魂人物去完成了这一使命,他的名字就是Von Neumann,但在这一切发生的过程当中这4个要素都是并行的在发展,神学一直扮演着反证的角色,而物理数学和哲学(这里的哲学不光指苏格拉底传统主义哲学也包括19世纪的科学论理)一直努力互相的影响前进.从programmer的角度简要的讲,物理是硬件(Hardware),数学是软件(software),哲学是方法论(methodology),神学是综合方法论的验证(testing).
highlight the syntax,buffer,files list,functions list,varibles list,code completing,etc..do what you want to got~
one of another good tool is git which just needed type some simple command like git-clone,git-add,git-commit,etc..that you can managing your code version.
I have download the kernel code now....
#git-clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git kernel-2.6
Initialized empty Git repository in /citypw/git/kernel-2.6/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 892386, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (148760/148760), done.
remote: Total 892386 (delta 744367), reused 890216 (delta 742255)
Receiving objects: 100% (892386/892386), 212.83 MiB | 114 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (744367/744367), done.
Checking out files: 100% (24326/24326), done.
btw:关于4层模型简要的介绍一下,依次顺序是(物理<=>数学<=>哲学)<-归正神学(Reform Theology),下3层(物理,数学,哲学)锻造了人们的综合方法论(personnel methodology),但这个综合方法论是否正确需要用归正神学来进行验证.这里Shawn举一个例子,在John Calvin在16世纪创立了归正神学的第一个版本后,无数的科学家和哲学家受到了不同程度的影响,当然方法论的本身也受到了很多影响..........到了20世纪初物理学的研究开始从宏观的牛顿经典理学体系向研究微观世界的变化的量子世界转移,但是物理的模型建立了很多年仍然没有人去建立相应的数学模型,这时计算机科学的灵魂人物去完成了这一使命,他的名字就是Von Neumann,但在这一切发生的过程当中这4个要素都是并行的在发展,神学一直扮演着反证的角色,而物理数学和哲学(这里的哲学不光指苏格拉底传统主义哲学也包括19世纪的科学论理)一直努力互相的影响前进.从programmer的角度简要的讲,物理是硬件(Hardware),数学是软件(software),哲学是方法论(methodology),神学是综合方法论的验证(testing).
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Fallen Shawn the R0ck
I have stay with my girl(in facto,wife now) in the last 20 days.We get marriged before God.Our situation remind me a song:Walk hard.
Walk hard...hard..down life...rock-N-roll~
Walk bold...hard..thats my creed..my code......
Anyway,I have to stay alone for months.I ahhh....emotionally or mentally depressed.I dont know how to explain what i want to say......like as?dead inside?no..of course not~
PLease pray for me!!!Honestly,I need you pray!
My wife bought a book of The Art of computer Programming for me:
a fren'in slacker
my beautiful lady
I have create a google group which named of HackerFellowship.In old greece,the fellowship means a group of guys who enjoy with hacking to achive a same goal.We want to use this group promoting hacker ethic(culture,etc..but not just in computer field),algorithm,philosophy,methodology,computer science(aNd low-level stuff like as embedded system and open hardware).Welcome Hackers to join in!
Walk hard...hard..down life...rock-N-roll~
Walk bold...hard..thats my creed..my code......
Anyway,I have to stay alone for months.I ahhh....emotionally or mentally depressed.I dont know how to explain what i want to say......like as?dead inside?no..of course not~
PLease pray for me!!!Honestly,I need you pray!
My wife bought a book of The Art of computer Programming for me:
a fren'in slacker
my beautiful lady
I have create a google group which named of HackerFellowship.In old greece,the fellowship means a group of guys who enjoy with hacking to achive a same goal.We want to use this group promoting hacker ethic(culture,etc..but not just in computer field),algorithm,philosophy,methodology,computer science(aNd low-level stuff like as embedded system and open hardware).Welcome Hackers to join in!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Happy gaming life
Garry think the crysis's gameplay as well.I agree with him after play.
what happend then?
ooh..yeah~this is not a kind of human base..
be water,my friend by Bruce lee
eat the rocket,monkey boy~
should i singing walk hard?
Hummer doesnt give you sense of security
it's just a start...
Assasin's Creed
The beautiful city---Jerusalem~I hope can be there in my life at once at least!
Thank Lord I still live~
Acre---The most important city of crusade
i need speed.....
Damascus..looks cool~I love this city.
btw:Hacker think that The Holy Bible can change your life.Hackers aint fool we know what books we should choose to read.The Lord of Rings is a another good choice because of that give you a way to understand the BIble by reflect of mythology which to Bible.
what happend then?
ooh..yeah~this is not a kind of human base..
be water,my friend by Bruce lee
eat the rocket,monkey boy~
should i singing walk hard?
Hummer doesnt give you sense of security
it's just a start...
Assasin's Creed
The beautiful city---Jerusalem~I hope can be there in my life at once at least!
Thank Lord I still live~
Acre---The most important city of crusade
i need speed.....
Damascus..looks cool~I love this city.
btw:Hacker think that The Holy Bible can change your life.Hackers aint fool we know what books we should choose to read.The Lord of Rings is a another good choice because of that give you a way to understand the BIble by reflect of mythology which to Bible.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
port SDL to arm s3c2440
SDL is a multi-platform graphic interface.I move SDL programs can running on arm through just a few commands.
./configure --enable-release --target=arm-linux-gcc --host=arm-linux --disable-esd --disable-video-opengl
make install
copy your lib(something like libSDL-1.2.so.0.11.2) to arm's lib.
timer is one of sample program in SDL src which is /SDL/test
/* Test program to check the resolution of the SDL timer on the current
#include "SDL.h"
static int ticks = 0;
static Uint32 SDLCALL ticktock(Uint32 interval)
static Uint32 SDLCALL callback(Uint32 interval, void *param)
printf("Timer %d : param = %d\n", interval, (int)(uintptr_t)param);
return interval;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int desired;
SDL_TimerID t1, t2, t3;
if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_TIMER) < desired =" 0;" desired =" atoi(argv[1]);" desired ="="" desired =" DEFAULT_RESOLUTION;" desired =" %d" actual =" %f" t1 =" SDL_AddTimer(100," t2 =" SDL_AddTimer(50," t3 =" SDL_AddTimer(233," desired =" 1" actual =" 10.493179" param =" 2" param =" 2" param =" 1">
./configure --enable-release --target=arm-linux-gcc --host=arm-linux --disable-esd --disable-video-opengl
make install
copy your lib(something like libSDL-1.2.so.0.11.2) to arm's lib.
timer is one of sample program in SDL src which is /SDL/test
/* Test program to check the resolution of the SDL timer on the current
#include "SDL.h"
static int ticks = 0;
static Uint32 SDLCALL ticktock(Uint32 interval)
static Uint32 SDLCALL callback(Uint32 interval, void *param)
printf("Timer %d : param = %d\n", interval, (int)(uintptr_t)param);
return interval;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int desired;
SDL_TimerID t1, t2, t3;
if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_TIMER) < desired =" 0;" desired =" atoi(argv[1]);" desired ="="" desired =" DEFAULT_RESOLUTION;" desired =" %d" actual =" %f" t1 =" SDL_AddTimer(100," t2 =" SDL_AddTimer(50," t3 =" SDL_AddTimer(233," desired =" 1" actual =" 10.493179" param =" 2" param =" 2" param =" 1">
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Welcome to the Doom3(D3 and ROE)
wow...this guy..pilgarlic...
be at peace,soldier~
the signed from hell?
no smoking....
If someone speaking truth that you may be throwing in jail like him...
cool bio-fighter
entering to hell.......
start a beautiful trip.......it's free of charge~
back door...
wanna swimming?
hey,boss~i need cash....
looks high tech center
smell fear.....
who's your daddy?
This monster remind me of Microsoft....ugly...
I was wondering how a talent team could make a creativity product like doom3.These guys's rocks~I cant imaging that what is the real hell that must be horrify.Every Christian should play this game and thinking why God let this game came out.
Hope you can enjoy with it!!!
be at peace,soldier~
the signed from hell?
no smoking....
If someone speaking truth that you may be throwing in jail like him...
cool bio-fighter
entering to hell.......
start a beautiful trip.......it's free of charge~
back door...
wanna swimming?
hey,boss~i need cash....
looks high tech center
smell fear.....
who's your daddy?
This monster remind me of Microsoft....ugly...
I was wondering how a talent team could make a creativity product like doom3.These guys's rocks~I cant imaging that what is the real hell that must be horrify.Every Christian should play this game and thinking why God let this game came out.
Hope you can enjoy with it!!!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
I got a new laptop
Dell Inspiron 1420 CORE II 2GHZ,2GB memory,160GB hdd,gf8400gs graphic card 256mb.I have install the fc9 that graphic card couldnt found by itself.Thank to Justin Conover's blog about how to install graphic and sound's drivers in fc9.
nice~Thank LOrd!
ps:I want to be the man who enjoy hacking like God hacking the creation when God has doing Genesis.Developer....cool.........
nice~Thank LOrd!
ps:I want to be the man who enjoy hacking like God hacking the creation when God has doing Genesis.Developer....cool.........
Saturday, May 31, 2008
log.txt of nfs to arm
Right now,my arm board can run linux as well.What is next?hacking the frenk'in SDL and try to migrating a SDL to arm next month.Thank to a bro who named of NalaGinut.I cant let my arm to running just spent 4 days if he dont help me out troubles.bullshit over~
let's roll..............
vim /etc/exports
add this to end line:
/citypw/shawn-dev/firstArm *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)
/etc/init.d/nfs start
tar zxvf root_default.tgz
mkdir /citypw/shawn-dev/firstArm
cp -R root_defualt/* /citypw/shawn-dev/firstArm
mount -t nfs /citypw/shawn-dev/tmp
enter your vivi's src folder and find "vivi/arch/s3c2440/smdk.c"
edit smdk.c:
char linux_cmd[] = "console=ttySAC0 root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=yourIp:/citypw/shawn-dev/firstArm ip=ArmIp:yourIP:$gateway:$netmask:HACKING:eth0:off";
you also do "make menuconfig" and "make" with vivi and kernel.
use Jflash put your vivi to Arm.
use minicom load kernel into Arm.
enter "boot" in vivi CLI.
something happend like this:
vivi> boot
Copy linux kernel from 0x00050000 to 0x30008000, size = 0x00200000 ... done
zImage magic = 0x016f2818
Setup linux parameters at 0x30000100
linux command line is: "console=ttySAC0 root=/dev/nfs nfsroot="
NOW, Booting Linux......
Uncompressing Linux.............................................................
Linux version 2.6.13 (root@localhost.localdomain) (gcc version 3.4.1) #4 Wed Ma7
CPU: ARM920Tid(wb) [41129200] revision 0 (ARMv4T)
Machine: SBC2440
ATAG_INITRD is deprecated; please update your bootloader.
Memory policy: ECC disabled, Data cache writeback
CPU S3C2440A (id 0x32440001)
BUG: mapping for 0x19000000 at 0xd0000000 overlaps vmalloc space
S3C2440: core 405.000 MHz, memory 101.250 MHz, peripheral 50.625 MHz..............................
btw:happy Chirldren's Day!You can be a kid,but dont be a fifi...
let's roll..............
vim /etc/exports
add this to end line:
/citypw/shawn-dev/firstArm *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)
/etc/init.d/nfs start
tar zxvf root_default.tgz
mkdir /citypw/shawn-dev/firstArm
cp -R root_defualt/* /citypw/shawn-dev/firstArm
mount -t nfs /citypw/shawn-dev/tmp
enter your vivi's src folder and find "vivi/arch/s3c2440/smdk.c"
edit smdk.c:
char linux_cmd[] = "console=ttySAC0 root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=yourIp:/citypw/shawn-dev/firstArm ip=ArmIp:yourIP:$gateway:$netmask:HACKING:eth0:off";
you also do "make menuconfig" and "make" with vivi and kernel.
use Jflash put your vivi to Arm.
use minicom load kernel into Arm.
enter "boot" in vivi CLI.
something happend like this:
vivi> boot
Copy linux kernel from 0x00050000 to 0x30008000, size = 0x00200000 ... done
zImage magic = 0x016f2818
Setup linux parameters at 0x30000100
linux command line is: "console=ttySAC0 root=/dev/nfs nfsroot="
NOW, Booting Linux......
Uncompressing Linux.............................................................
Linux version 2.6.13 (root@localhost.localdomain) (gcc version 3.4.1) #4 Wed Ma7
CPU: ARM920Tid(wb) [41129200] revision 0 (ARMv4T)
Machine: SBC2440
ATAG_INITRD is deprecated; please update your bootloader.
Memory policy: ECC disabled, Data cache writeback
CPU S3C2440A (id 0x32440001)
BUG: mapping for 0x19000000 at 0xd0000000 overlaps vmalloc space
S3C2440: core 405.000 MHz, memory 101.250 MHz, peripheral 50.625 MHz..............................
btw:happy Chirldren's Day!You can be a kid,but dont be a fifi...
Thursday, May 29, 2008
"make" correct Jflash
LIke as a Shawn the R0ck(St.Augestine@copyleft) said"Even though we are going to see Lord tonight,but we still have to read the sicence magazine in the morning,write code in day,play quake at afternoon.Then having dinner and sleep for a while..."Whatever earthquake My life still going on.
My arm board is samsung 2440 V3(400MHZ 64 NAND FLASH).I play with it today.Firstable,I have to extract the Jflash(jtag tool) to a Folder.Before you guys run "make" to Jflash's makefile that there are 2 things you need to do.
1,Because I used FC8 distro,so I have to modify a file of ppt.h.Use #include "sys/io.h" instead of #include "asm/io.h".
2,you have to modify somes lines from jtag.h,this is my file after modified:
#ifndef __JTAG_H__
#define __JTAG_H__
#include "ppt.h"
#define LOW '0'
#define HIGH '1'
// Pin Connections
// TCK :DATA[0] (2)
// TDI :DATA[1] (3)
// TMS :DATA[2] (4)
// TDO :STATUS[7] (11)
//#define TCK_H 0x01
#define TDI_H 0x02
//#define TMS_H 0x04
#define TCK_L 0x00
#define TDI_L 0x00
#define TMS_L 0x00
#define JTAG_SET(value) OutputPpt(value)
ok,then you go "make".
BTW:I found a good free software for Bible Study:GnomeSword You also can use a command to install:yum install gnomesword
My arm board is samsung 2440 V3(400MHZ 64 NAND FLASH).I play with it today.Firstable,I have to extract the Jflash(jtag tool) to a Folder.Before you guys run "make" to Jflash's makefile that there are 2 things you need to do.
1,Because I used FC8 distro,so I have to modify a file of ppt.h.Use #include "sys/io.h" instead of #include "asm/io.h".
2,you have to modify somes lines from jtag.h,this is my file after modified:
#ifndef __JTAG_H__
#define __JTAG_H__
#include "ppt.h"
#define LOW '0'
#define HIGH '1'
// Pin Connections
// TCK :DATA[0] (2)
// TDI :DATA[1] (3)
// TMS :DATA[2] (4)
// TDO :STATUS[7] (11)
//#define TCK_H 0x01
#define TDI_H 0x02
//#define TMS_H 0x04
#define TCK_L 0x00
#define TDI_L 0x00
#define TMS_L 0x00
#define JTAG_SET(value) OutputPpt(value)
ok,then you go "make".
BTW:I found a good free software for Bible Study:GnomeSword You also can use a command to install:yum install gnomesword
Monday, May 19, 2008
The City Of Death
I went to a earthquake area that city which named of HanWang(in MianZhu in SiChuan Province).I have never seen a city like that....Considering the losses in the earthquake area, our support was an utterly inadequate measure.Im uploaded some pictures and videos that you can see what happend out there.
May God bless China!!!
May God bless China!!!
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