Saturday, May 12, 2012

Phrack Issue 68 was released in apirl 14th 2012

About 10 months ago, there were an announcement on Phrack's main page, which said to all dear phrackers, unsurprisingly delayed... again. For sake of the rule "quality first", Phrack staffs have been always keeping the "delay" tradition:-/ I just wanna say Thanks to Phrack authors. Without you guys contribution, there probably are not a such great ezine even exist on the planet. Does this mean will I farewell to this planet? Of course no(When I say goodbye, it's forever!), dude. There are still a lot of interesting fields I can hack with. Hacker is a type of person who are never stop to digging deeper the truth behind the surface in any specific fields.

Phrack Issue 68 brings many great papers to us. I can't understand every papers in every Phrack issues but I just know it's really worth to read/hack. Fortunately, I'm not a native English speaker but I can still read these great Phrack papers/articles. I was start to read the Issue 68 After I report the ezine released news on solidot(Chinese slashdot). The prologue is talk about Dennis Ritchie --- a great hacker. He left the physical world and there are a lot more legacies for younger generation hackers including C, Unix and...methodology.I wrote an article that discussing 5 hackers's life including those 3 who are left us: John McCarthy, Dennis Ritchie, Steve Jobs. If what Steve Jobs have done to us that's sort of "changed" the world, Dennis Ritchie was definitely make the world, and John McCarthy discovered the methodology that provided Dennis to make the world.

I also like "Dark Thoughts" in Issue 68's prologue. I was shocked that I never thought the event of Chinese driver murders would be show up in this issue. Wow, this is Phrack, isn't it? Phrack have always been talking about the truth, which behind the surface. I like that anonymous hacker's honest to said he is a coward. Honest, one of important property of Hacker, I think he got one. My fellow gears, I'm a anonymous coward too many times.

Yeah, I talked above very serious topics. Let's talk about the funny part --- Loopback. I love the Loopback very much. I have read through every Loopback in Phrack when I begun to read in Aug 2010. I like Phrack staff's sense of humor. That type of humor is my best fit.  I have read the Loopback of this issue while I was listening to a pastor's Sunday preaching. Sorry, my dear L0rd, the loopback is too much interesting:-) An guy from England wrote a poem for phrackers "Razor Tech Warrior":

Razor Tech Warrior

They told you that you were nothing
Just another name and number
They said you were dumb and dumber

But you stole
Their lives away
Network Nazi
Live to fight another day

    [ Network Nazi Live to fight another day <-- WTF ???? ]

Through the black
Of the nights metal sheets
In tower blocks and tenements
Cyber crime it breeds

The government will stomp you out
But burn their kernel
Lock it down
While others are still asleep.

    [ We are speechless. All we can say is: LOL. ]

 I like it very much, especially in "Network Nazi Live to fight another day". Wait a min, what the hell is Networking Nazi? Anyone can give me a hint? And there another interesting loopback:

Subject: Phrack 68th Issue Release

Hello mate,
I am very interested in upcoming 68th issue of phrack.
The whole world is counting on you!!

    [ The whole world? Not even the whole scene mate ;) ]

I just want to know when will be the release and can you give me a glimpse
of contents inside it.
I will be eagerly waiting for your reply.

    [ Hehe, hope you didn't wait too much. ]


Hello LEGEND XEON,  I have a similar feeling like you. Sometimes, I checked out the Phrack website every day.

 I'm a computer newbie(if compare to those real underground old school hackers) and the most Phrack papers are too hard for me. So I have a "coward solution" that it's read the non-tech papers at first. Sorry, I followed this path through the Happy Hacking ones. The author(damn, another anonymous) pointed out a big point. Should we working for live or just for fun? I resigned my job and already in Beijing for few days. I'm trying to get a job here(now I failed to 2 job interviews). But question is what kind of job? There probably are 2 options:

1, Get a job in security field.

2, Get a interesting day job and make the security hacking as night job.

I'm not sure this is gonna work well. But I'm really appreciate it for this paper's author(Hope you could know your paper is helping people, anonymous coward:-/). I have been guffing around(is this a reviews of Phrack Issue 68? You tell me) a lot but not technique yet. OK, I'm a tech coward although. I begun to read the paper Single Process Parasite. I learned some techniques like there are not all libs's address which can be injected the code and excuted on them after loaded and I looked into the usage of ptrace() system call, which is the cornerstone of GNU Debugger. I wrote a "hello world" program for ptrace here. Every Phrack papers are worth to read, but honestly I never read through tech ones. It's a shame! I will try to get rid of "newbie" title-_-

By community, for community!

May L0rd's hacking spirit guide us!

btw: I came to BJ while my wife went back to HK. Only a few days not together we both felt uncomfortable. I hope can get a proper job soon. Almighty L0rd, what do you want me to do?

 Where I'm living for temp....


oracle said...

Thanks for sharing your experience. I work as software engineer and a computer security nut at night. Yes, there is a work for guys like us, geek. Even though I am just learning some basic stuff now, but I find it is a lot of fun already. Hope to get in touch with friends with the same interest. Cheers.

Evin said...

My dear husband,

I love U, and our God love u most . So please be patient , sometimes we can't get what we think we want most or we think it's the best for us, but in the end we will find that is the best case for us if it's God's will.
Love, Evin
ps, I 'm always ready to 'fly ' back to u ^-^ .

Anonymous said...

Honestly it's difficult to discover a worthy blog worth commenting on nowadays, the web is truly too flooded. Love this post, adore your blog. Just thought i would let you know!

Unknown said...

to Qingyun Li:

Keep in touch dude!

to Evin: is good

to Anonymous:

WTH? another anonymous? I don't reply to anonymous, actually I did. Bro, you are right. We all living in a rush world and the evolution system always trying to washing our brain. Do not fear, we are anonymous @_@