Yes, I'm living like a dog. But I'm still have to share the philosophy of free software to friends, I gave a free speech( downloadable slide) on Software Freedom Day 2011 in Chengdu Linux User Group. Only few enthusiasts came:
hiking on the trail:
the 2nd day we hiking into the montain:
beatiful snow views:
Thank to my beautiful wife has been always supporting my path which is subculture:
dude, we need to across the yak's territory:
Do not look at the middle:
I love this book:Start-up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle. I presented 15 copies of Chinese version to those people I met in seminar and trip. I will present another 55 copies to Chinese native speaker hackers. I don't why I think I'm duty share the oldest religion and the cutting-edge technology where comes from Israel, to hackers.
Burning stuff:
Ashes, looks like in inferno. Hhh... If God takes those nominal Christians who are greedy hypocrites to heaven, I would prefer inferno-_-
The morning of the 3rd day:
hello, dog: