I have to say something to thank to those who are deserved to gratitude!
to Lord Christ:
to Snake:
to Charles:
Charles,您是Shawn见过的第一个如天使一般人,当时(2004)已经70岁的你却不断鼓励Shawn"keep your dream,S*".感谢您,Shawn亲爱的弟兄!您对Shawn的影响是决定性的.
to Ev:
to 老爸老妈:
to Chris G and Leah:
to Scott:
Scott,在第一次去基督徒团契时,Shawn认为那里应该有很多像Shawn一样深受自由文化运动感染的有趣家伙,但坚持去了几次后发现除了无聊还是无聊,直到遇到你的那一天,感谢你和Shawn一起讨论punk rock所花的时间,你也是少数的对文化使命有责任感的基督徒,感谢上帝设计的我们有趣的相识过程.
to Jim L:
Jim,感谢上帝在Shawn还处于最愚昧的状态时遇到了你,也感谢你慷慨的给予了Shawn和你单独交流的时间,你让Shawn看到了所谓的conspiracy theory里的真实的一面,但也让Shawn明白了在错综复杂的博弈当中仍然可以看到上帝的荣耀,只是这荣耀需要具备破解隐喻之能力才能明白.从见到你直到今天,Shawn再也没有face to face见过来自有机系统的家伙了,或许那次见面是上帝的特别设计吧,再次感谢您的真诚和智慧的人生!
to 老梁:
to Spring:
to Hommer:
to Sarah:
Sarah,即使到今天Shawn仍然极端的认为您把基督徒的beautiful inside推进到了一个极端的地步,这给Shawn很多的震撼和思考,你对小朋友的耐心,你对NGO的坚持,你对生命的热爱...这些都是Shawn很难reach到的领域,感谢您教会了Shawn很多在互联网上所无法获得的东东---这个东东不是来自知识,而是有机生命.谢谢您,亲爱的姐妹.
to Jared:
Jared,感谢您的音乐,特别是那首Kindron of Valley简直是您在以色列旅行的完美之作,还有好几次的concert您都说那首写于九寨沟的This life is beautiful是为Shawn来演奏,真是让Shawn激动不已,您的音乐就是您有机生命的一部分,感谢您,好弟兄.
to Larry D:
to 老江:
to 老猪:
to 老刚:
to ginrut,小猫:
to others:
Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience.And if it hurts,it's probably worth it.God is Love!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
discussion on "How Computer Nerds Describe God"
congratulations to KK has already published his new book - What Technology Wants(The CHinese report here) last month.I dont have read it yet but Im damn sure that would bring us a great ideas for this era.We have a conversation about world view of KK and his old interview in 2002 that I want to share you guys what we have been discussed.Hope can bring something wondering for you.
|--------------punk rocker hackers------------|
|--------------Oct 30th,2010-------------------|
evening,my fellow gears,
How you doing these days?We dont have a new thread for few weeks.Is there anything made you feeling that want to start a new thread but something inside never stop telling you it's not about time?wow...that's how I felt.I get used to thinking of rush to start a new thread going to ruin the quality of our conversations.really?part of,at least.
We've had to accept the truth that we still living and existing in a suck but wondering world.Informations around us every second moment in our life even though we dont want to receive the piece of shit but our brain still having suck it all,passively.New technology keep up with high-speed growth that never care about what's the purpose of human beings.It might not calling "man" not far in the future by using the term "humanoid" instead of it.New Tech going to crushing our current ideas just like Internet did to us in which compared to past 15 years.
I as pathetic humanoid,stand before the great universe.The only thing I can do is to praise how wonderful creation I see.Anything else?What if I was lived in fertile cresent 3000 years ago?Life as simplicity.We dont have much choices back then.Now,I want to know what exactly am I and what exactly the world I living in beings.We can explain the world of creation(or you could said "evolution") by philosophy?physical?or what?We need a explanation but it still cant help us figure out what's the life meaning.that's not only concerning about knowledge(of course we all hackers hungering for knowledges),this is about life.Jesus Christ said"I am the way(methodology),I am the truth(ontology),I am the life(epist)".Should I believe his proclaim?dont judge too fast.
bullshit a lot,right?I would like to introduce a great man to you gears---Kevin Kelly.This interview[1] by Christianity Today in 2002.Im not going to telling how important to reinterpret God himself.Im alway trying to focus on organic system.We need to build it up as a open education system running on someday in the future:-)
may LORD's hacking spirit guide us!!!
CT:Have you seen an increase in the intersection of science and religion?
KK:I think there has been a minimal formal interaction between those spheres, but I detect an increase in frustration that there is not more.
I think my meager attempts to bridge those [through writing] are done slightly against the grain in the sense that there are not a lot of other attempts to do it. It is difficult to do because technology is seen as almost the antithesis of spirituality. Science is cast as the rational vs. the irrational of belief. It is a huge gap to overcome.
Shawn:Did I mentioned about 4-layers model?theology->philosophical
firstable,We need a absolute standard that called theology level.In this level,reason is not most important one.Build your faith is more important than anything else.eg,"I dont believed God is exist until you can prove it to me" implying that he(or she) believed that only the reasoning proven can make them to believe that God is exist.Everyone has their own absolute standard.For me,it's reformed theology and something from Judaism.
Then we can go to do philosophical thinking under those absolute standards.This is philosophy level.one of most important attributes of man is to reasoning.Just like as Aristotle thought that the most differ between human and animal is that man can reason.We have to philosophical thinking for life meaning,Love and so on.
It's not good enough when we got a philosophy model.We still need to precisionize what we got from generic consequence of ideas.That's why we need math to solve problem.
after those 3 levels,you can hacking in any fields you want.art,law,computer,etc.........
CT:With such a gap, how have you balanced faith with science in your own life?
KK:My interest in science came first. I was science nerd in high school. The way I have reconciled it is that I see my mission as to talk about it, to explore the two, and to talk about faith using the vocabulary and logic of science.
I don't feel a division in terms of emotion. I recognize it is a division in the logic. My attempt is to articulate why science and religion are really talking about the same thing or how they can talk about the same thing.
Shawn:of course he didnt feel a division.One organic life,remember?
CT:What does your Wired article "God is the Machine" say about the
identity of God?
KK:There was part of that piece cut out in which I was stressing that every age reinterprets God with their own metaphor. God doesn't change, but our metaphors do. The current reigning metaphor that is very unacknowledged in our culture right now is the computational metaphor. It permeates everything and we don't even know it.
What I was suggesting was that one could use this completely universal and accepted metaphor to describe God. It isn't necessarily truer than other metaphors, but it is only truer to the age. It may be no more valid than past metaphors, but it makes a lot more sense to people 30 years and under. It is an attempt to use a current language and syntax and perspective and metaphor to describe an eternal thing.
In your 1999 paper "Nerd Theology"[2] you use another computer concept, information, as a metaphor for God. How does that apply?
The public at large's acceptance of the notion of information actually gives us ways to understand God. First of all, what is information? The kinds of ways you would describe it are the ways we would describe God: there's no material, it's a force, it has a power.
We can use concepts of information to describe God. It is not fair to say they are equal because obviously a bit on a CD is not God. When I talk about the universality of computation as something that is shared and fundamental I am not suggesting that God is computation other than to say that computation is one way we can think about God.
Shawn:interesting part~seems he mentioned about few important principles of reformed theology.
1,God doesnt change,but our metaphor do.
2,reinterpreter God is the tough tasks of in every age.different ages had corresponding metaphors.
And KK talked about computational metaphor permeates everything today.Ok,Im not a extreme computerist.But I think the computation itself as old as world creation.
CT:From where have you learned the most about God?
KK:I came to my belief fairly late in life, so my influences actually came from spending huge amounts of time in other religions in Asia. As a photographer there, I spent inordinate amounts of time hanging out at temples, mosques, monasteries, etc. That has a lot of influence.
Science fiction also played a critical role, because it seemed to me that science-fiction authors are actually the theologians of our age.They grapple with the "what ifs." They look at how technology changes our lives and changes our minds.
Theologians employed in academia seem to be far more remote and not engaged with actual changes occurring. I would guess that Star Trek and Gene Roddenberry have much more of an effect. People actually listen and pay attention to their theological musings, which is a lot of what science fiction is. What do we do when we meet other intelligence? What does it mean to be a human? These questions are much better addressed by science fiction.
I would say that the influence of other religions in practice and science fiction was as influential for me as Bible studies and sermons. In that sense, I am probably not alone.
Shawn:why theologians(normal ones) cant make a great world view just like as Star Trek and starcraft in average case?What's your first ideas come out when you hear the words "priest preaching"?kind of boring,right?I hate almost of Christian preachers I met.But I knew a few of "I-hate" preachers still are good at speak God's words,literally.whatever I like or not that I have to go BIble study.Because I knew truth out there.
Warning:almost of preachers I knew just guffing around on the stage.God will shut them down...
CT:How did these influences lead up to what happened in Jerusalem on Easter morning, 1979?
KK:That's a story I don't think I could tell any better than the one I told on NPR. I simply couldn't tell it any better. But what happened is something I don't really have a good explanation for. I would call it a surrender or an acceptance.
I think you can make two models of the universe: you can make an entirely logical argument that there is no God, [or you could make an] equally logical argument of a genesis and a creation of the world. In the end, it comes down to a decision that one makes. You go down one road and within that road, everything makes complete sense.
I think that is sort of what I did. It took going to Jerusalem on Easter morning out to the empty tombs to really trigger an acceptance of this alternative view. Once I accepted it, there is a logic, comfort, leverage that I have because of that view.
Shawn:this part is about his personal experience.no comment!
CT:Why did it take this experience to convince you?
I don't have a good explanation. I was older, and I was a reluctant convert. I am sort of an intellectual type. I don't know why Jerusalem, but that's what it took.
I have no idea why I fell in love with my wife. Why her? She is probably the least likely. I could have spent years and years trying to imagine who I would marry and never come up with her. So why?
It is really strange why these things happen. I am not sure it is important if there is a logical explanation. I think I am a person who likes to see things in action and to have first-hand experience. I am more interested in basing things on my experiences rather than just what someone told me.
CT:You are currently writing a new book, what is it about?
KK:A major theme is that technology is not some lesser evil that we just have to put up with, nor is it a neutral tool that can be used for good or bad. Instead, I suggest that technology is actually a divine phenomenon that is a reflection of God.
Technology expands life's possibilities. It also brings other views of God. I think that the human intellect alone simply can't come close to apprehending God. It will require all the intellects in the universe,including any artificial intellects we make, if we are to approach even the slightest glimmer of who God is.
The reason why we want more technology is that every individual human has a certain God-given set of talents that require things like technology in order to be expressed.
Imagine Beethoven being born 2,000 years ago when there was no orchestra or piano. What a loss that would have been. He of course would have made the best music he could have with whatever he found, but we would not have the glorious work that he did. Same with George Lucas and film.
There are people born today that will never really be able to develop their full set of talents God has given them because technology does not exist yet. We have a moral obligation to increase the amount of technology in the world.
Shawn:God gaves his citizens specific missions in the correspond ages.The principle is still:Given much more,require more."But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.Luke." 12:48
CT:What can computer nerds or sci-fi writers teach theologians about God?
KK:One of the great things about C. S. Lewis was that he was both.That is one of his strengths and why people are attracted to his work.He was basically a science-fiction theologian.
Someone once said that Earth is either the only intelligent life in the universe or it is just one of millions. Either statement is an astounding, amazing fact. Let's say the second is correct and there are a lot of other civilizations all around the universe. The question is, do they have a Jesus?
That's a question most theologians are not addressing. But it is certainly the kind of question science-fiction writers will address. I think by addressing it, they quickly come to grappling some pretty interesting and powerful things. I think science fiction can get you to that point a lot sooner than traditional theology studies.
Shawn:C.S.Lewis and JR Tolkien are 2 of greatest world view designers in 20th century.Especially,Tolkien's The Lord of The rings and The Silmarillion gave you a new way of thinking to describe the Christian's world view that created a reflection of Bible to a mid-earth world.The game aint over yet.Thank KK gave us a gift.This
interview is useful to build a organic system through 4-layers model.
ok.You gears must be sleepy.That's why I dared guffing a lot tonight!We are going to discuss some details of it.Hope can see you tomorrow!
May Lord's hacking spirit guide us!!!
[1] How Computer Nerds Describe God
[2] nerd theology
|--------------punk rocker hackers------------|
|--------------Oct 30th,2010-------------------|
evening,my fellow gears,
How you doing these days?We dont have a new thread for few weeks.Is there anything made you feeling that want to start a new thread but something inside never stop telling you it's not about time?wow...that's how I felt.I get used to thinking of rush to start a new thread going to ruin the quality of our conversations.really?part of,at least.
We've had to accept the truth that we still living and existing in a suck but wondering world.Informations around us every second moment in our life even though we dont want to receive the piece of shit but our brain still having suck it all,passively.New technology keep up with high-speed growth that never care about what's the purpose of human beings.It might not calling "man" not far in the future by using the term "humanoid" instead of it.New Tech going to crushing our current ideas just like Internet did to us in which compared to past 15 years.
I as pathetic humanoid,stand before the great universe.The only thing I can do is to praise how wonderful creation I see.Anything else?What if I was lived in fertile cresent 3000 years ago?Life as simplicity.We dont have much choices back then.Now,I want to know what exactly am I and what exactly the world I living in beings.We can explain the world of creation(or you could said "evolution") by philosophy?physical?or what?We need a explanation but it still cant help us figure out what's the life meaning.that's not only concerning about knowledge(of course we all hackers hungering for knowledges),this is about life.Jesus Christ said"I am the way(methodology),I am the truth(ontology),I am the life(epist)".Should I believe his proclaim?dont judge too fast.
bullshit a lot,right?I would like to introduce a great man to you gears---Kevin Kelly.This interview[1] by Christianity Today in 2002.Im not going to telling how important to reinterpret God himself.Im alway trying to focus on organic system.We need to build it up as a open education system running on someday in the future:-)
may LORD's hacking spirit guide us!!!
CT:Have you seen an increase in the intersection of science and religion?
KK:I think there has been a minimal formal interaction between those spheres, but I detect an increase in frustration that there is not more.
I think my meager attempts to bridge those [through writing] are done slightly against the grain in the sense that there are not a lot of other attempts to do it. It is difficult to do because technology is seen as almost the antithesis of spirituality. Science is cast as the rational vs. the irrational of belief. It is a huge gap to overcome.
Shawn:Did I mentioned about 4-layers model?theology->philosophical
firstable,We need a absolute standard that called theology level.In this level,reason is not most important one.Build your faith is more important than anything else.eg,"I dont believed God is exist until you can prove it to me" implying that he(or she) believed that only the reasoning proven can make them to believe that God is exist.Everyone has their own absolute standard.For me,it's reformed theology and something from Judaism.
Then we can go to do philosophical thinking under those absolute standards.This is philosophy level.one of most important attributes of man is to reasoning.Just like as Aristotle thought that the most differ between human and animal is that man can reason.We have to philosophical thinking for life meaning,Love and so on.
It's not good enough when we got a philosophy model.We still need to precisionize what we got from generic consequence of ideas.That's why we need math to solve problem.
after those 3 levels,you can hacking in any fields you want.art,law,computer,etc.........
CT:With such a gap, how have you balanced faith with science in your own life?
KK:My interest in science came first. I was science nerd in high school. The way I have reconciled it is that I see my mission as to talk about it, to explore the two, and to talk about faith using the vocabulary and logic of science.
I don't feel a division in terms of emotion. I recognize it is a division in the logic. My attempt is to articulate why science and religion are really talking about the same thing or how they can talk about the same thing.
Shawn:of course he didnt feel a division.One organic life,remember?
CT:What does your Wired article "God is the Machine" say about the
identity of God?
KK:There was part of that piece cut out in which I was stressing that every age reinterprets God with their own metaphor. God doesn't change, but our metaphors do. The current reigning metaphor that is very unacknowledged in our culture right now is the computational metaphor. It permeates everything and we don't even know it.
What I was suggesting was that one could use this completely universal and accepted metaphor to describe God. It isn't necessarily truer than other metaphors, but it is only truer to the age. It may be no more valid than past metaphors, but it makes a lot more sense to people 30 years and under. It is an attempt to use a current language and syntax and perspective and metaphor to describe an eternal thing.
In your 1999 paper "Nerd Theology"[2] you use another computer concept, information, as a metaphor for God. How does that apply?
The public at large's acceptance of the notion of information actually gives us ways to understand God. First of all, what is information? The kinds of ways you would describe it are the ways we would describe God: there's no material, it's a force, it has a power.
We can use concepts of information to describe God. It is not fair to say they are equal because obviously a bit on a CD is not God. When I talk about the universality of computation as something that is shared and fundamental I am not suggesting that God is computation other than to say that computation is one way we can think about God.
Shawn:interesting part~seems he mentioned about few important principles of reformed theology.
1,God doesnt change,but our metaphor do.
2,reinterpreter God is the tough tasks of in every age.different ages had corresponding metaphors.
And KK talked about computational metaphor permeates everything today.Ok,Im not a extreme computerist.But I think the computation itself as old as world creation.
CT:From where have you learned the most about God?
KK:I came to my belief fairly late in life, so my influences actually came from spending huge amounts of time in other religions in Asia. As a photographer there, I spent inordinate amounts of time hanging out at temples, mosques, monasteries, etc. That has a lot of influence.
Science fiction also played a critical role, because it seemed to me that science-fiction authors are actually the theologians of our age.They grapple with the "what ifs." They look at how technology changes our lives and changes our minds.
Theologians employed in academia seem to be far more remote and not engaged with actual changes occurring. I would guess that Star Trek and Gene Roddenberry have much more of an effect. People actually listen and pay attention to their theological musings, which is a lot of what science fiction is. What do we do when we meet other intelligence? What does it mean to be a human? These questions are much better addressed by science fiction.
I would say that the influence of other religions in practice and science fiction was as influential for me as Bible studies and sermons. In that sense, I am probably not alone.
Shawn:why theologians(normal ones) cant make a great world view just like as Star Trek and starcraft in average case?What's your first ideas come out when you hear the words "priest preaching"?kind of boring,right?I hate almost of Christian preachers I met.But I knew a few of "I-hate" preachers still are good at speak God's words,literally.whatever I like or not that I have to go BIble study.Because I knew truth out there.
Warning:almost of preachers I knew just guffing around on the stage.God will shut them down...
CT:How did these influences lead up to what happened in Jerusalem on Easter morning, 1979?
KK:That's a story I don't think I could tell any better than the one I told on NPR. I simply couldn't tell it any better. But what happened is something I don't really have a good explanation for. I would call it a surrender or an acceptance.
I think you can make two models of the universe: you can make an entirely logical argument that there is no God, [or you could make an] equally logical argument of a genesis and a creation of the world. In the end, it comes down to a decision that one makes. You go down one road and within that road, everything makes complete sense.
I think that is sort of what I did. It took going to Jerusalem on Easter morning out to the empty tombs to really trigger an acceptance of this alternative view. Once I accepted it, there is a logic, comfort, leverage that I have because of that view.
Shawn:this part is about his personal experience.no comment!
CT:Why did it take this experience to convince you?
I don't have a good explanation. I was older, and I was a reluctant convert. I am sort of an intellectual type. I don't know why Jerusalem, but that's what it took.
I have no idea why I fell in love with my wife. Why her? She is probably the least likely. I could have spent years and years trying to imagine who I would marry and never come up with her. So why?
It is really strange why these things happen. I am not sure it is important if there is a logical explanation. I think I am a person who likes to see things in action and to have first-hand experience. I am more interested in basing things on my experiences rather than just what someone told me.
CT:You are currently writing a new book, what is it about?
KK:A major theme is that technology is not some lesser evil that we just have to put up with, nor is it a neutral tool that can be used for good or bad. Instead, I suggest that technology is actually a divine phenomenon that is a reflection of God.
Technology expands life's possibilities. It also brings other views of God. I think that the human intellect alone simply can't come close to apprehending God. It will require all the intellects in the universe,including any artificial intellects we make, if we are to approach even the slightest glimmer of who God is.
The reason why we want more technology is that every individual human has a certain God-given set of talents that require things like technology in order to be expressed.
Imagine Beethoven being born 2,000 years ago when there was no orchestra or piano. What a loss that would have been. He of course would have made the best music he could have with whatever he found, but we would not have the glorious work that he did. Same with George Lucas and film.
There are people born today that will never really be able to develop their full set of talents God has given them because technology does not exist yet. We have a moral obligation to increase the amount of technology in the world.
Shawn:God gaves his citizens specific missions in the correspond ages.The principle is still:Given much more,require more."But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.Luke." 12:48
CT:What can computer nerds or sci-fi writers teach theologians about God?
KK:One of the great things about C. S. Lewis was that he was both.That is one of his strengths and why people are attracted to his work.He was basically a science-fiction theologian.
Someone once said that Earth is either the only intelligent life in the universe or it is just one of millions. Either statement is an astounding, amazing fact. Let's say the second is correct and there are a lot of other civilizations all around the universe. The question is, do they have a Jesus?
That's a question most theologians are not addressing. But it is certainly the kind of question science-fiction writers will address. I think by addressing it, they quickly come to grappling some pretty interesting and powerful things. I think science fiction can get you to that point a lot sooner than traditional theology studies.
Shawn:C.S.Lewis and JR Tolkien are 2 of greatest world view designers in 20th century.Especially,Tolkien's The Lord of The rings and The Silmarillion gave you a new way of thinking to describe the Christian's world view that created a reflection of Bible to a mid-earth world.The game aint over yet.Thank KK gave us a gift.This
interview is useful to build a organic system through 4-layers model.
ok.You gears must be sleepy.That's why I dared guffing a lot tonight!We are going to discuss some details of it.Hope can see you tomorrow!
May Lord's hacking spirit guide us!!!
[1] How Computer Nerds Describe God
[2] nerd theology
Saturday, November 13, 2010
hacking your brain

to those who have been contributing to phrack,I saluted you!Hope can see p67 soon...
hi gears,
phrack[1]早期有很多领域的hacking分享包括无线电,机械,炸弹,无政府主义的哲学观,后来由于90年代安全领域的兴起开始越来越多的专注于computerhacking,当然这并不代表phrack就从此走向了可恶的'纯技术"路线,如果真是这样那就不是phrack了,最近的3个issues(p64,p65,p66不包括马上要出的p67)都有一篇关于brainhacking的article,phrack也是早期的把hacking带入到非计算机领域的一帮hacker,感谢上帝创造了这样一帮有趣且信仰坚定的家伙,Shawn带出的是p66的这篇的原文和质量低下的翻译,作为在这个时代性背景下的hacker,Shawn坚信2样技术是我们必须关注的:information tech and bio.MIT最牛的不光是CS还有一个方向叫computational biology[2].而这两个技术的一个交叉领域就是AI[3],gears们在hacking CS的本质领域(OS,compiler,network)的同时也不要忽略对这2个领域的关注,KK已经强调很多次了,wired也以不同的形式展现了下一个12年我们需要面对的问题,希望这篇文章能帮助gears们对这个领域的一些了解.
==Phrack Inc.==
Volume 0x0d, Issue 0x42, Phile #0x11 of 0x11
|=-=[ How close are they of hacking your brain? ]=-=|
|=--=[ author by dahut ]=--------------------------=|
|=--=[ dahut@skynet.be ]=---------------=|
|=--=[ translation:Shawn the R0ck]=-----------------=|
|=--=[ citypw@gmail.com ]=---------------=|
|=--=[ chengdu,China ]=------------------------=|
|=--=[ Nov 11th,2010 ]=-------------------------=|
Since the invention of the EEG, S-F writers produced many books with stories about pumping out the content of your brain and putting it in another brain, or taking the control of your soul or willingness and driving you as a robot. We wil not talk about the well known MK-ULTRA project that never ended up on any real functioning device approaching this result. What they did reach is well described in the still suspicious book "Trance formation of America" (www.trance-formation.com).
Our recent researched demonstrate however that it is possible that something is happening or close to.
We will explain two different technologies, that can provide some breakthrough in the mind control.
--[ 1. MRI
By enhancing the resolution of Magnetic Resonance Imagery device, we should be able to do nice things such putting ideas or remembering in the brain of someone.
There are today multiples ways to measure brain activity. Brain activity is also brain content, to some extent, depending what you are measuring and what you are looking for.
The most advanced works achieved around what's in the brain is the BlueBrain project, invented by Henry Markram at EPFL in Switzerland. His lab is using a 10.000 CPU Blue Gene type IBM supercomputer, and a super Silicon Graphic computer with 16 graphic cards and 64 Itanium 2 CPU to display processing results. He did start by making the inventory of all neurons types and response type, sorting out few tens types of each. Next he built devices to digitize the geometry of each type of neuron,following the path of dendrites and axons, branch by branch, stroke by stroke, change in diameter, etc. A typical neuron ends up with about 10.000 XYZ 3D coordinates. Next, he packed 10.000 neurons of multiple types in a very narrow space; 5mm by 1mm. This is what scientists name a
microcolumn of the neocortex. Then he put electrical input at the entry of the "network" and did a simulation, using the few tens of responses found in these neurons. The result is a modified electrical state of all these branches: 100 millions branches! Each one with a different electrical level. This density of neurons produces short circuits between each of them, the synapse. Such micro column can contains up to a trillion synapses!
围绕着大脑的研究中最先进的应该是Henry Markram在瑞士的EPFL(译注:瑞士洛桑联邦理工大学)的"蓝色大脑"项目,Markram博士的实验室使用了载有10,000颗CPU的IBM蓝色基因超级计算机,和用于图形显示计算结果的载有16个显卡和64颗ItaniumII中央处理器的超级硅图形计算机.他首先建立了一个数据库,包括所有神经元类型,反应类型,以及把每一种类型分类成了数十种类型.接下来他造了用于数字化每一个神经元类型的几何形状的设备,包括数字化树状和轴突,树的分支交叉,互相碰撞,直径等功能.一个典型的神经元有10,000个XYZ的3D坐标点.接下来,他把10,000个多种类型的神经元挤满进了一个非常小的空间:5mm*1mm.这也就是科学家们称为新大脑皮层的微型柱.之后,他给"网络"的入口通电开始了模拟,数十个神经的反应来找到这些神经元.结果是所有这些神经元分支的一个被修改了的电子状态:1000,000个分支!每一个分支都有一个电平.这样的神经元密度造成了神经连接线之间的短路.微型柱实际可以容纳1000,0000,0000个神经连接线.
From a mechanical point of view, this is not anymore a network, this is a dense matter with different electrical level at each cubic 5 micron. You should see the neuronal network as the processing device of the I/O, when the remaining electrical levels are the memory of the events/habits/experiences.
Now, let's say that a lab can produce a MRI device with such resolution. It will measure the electrical level each 5 micron, and do it for a specific area, let's say to start easy, the area of both hands. Ok, we have to store few terabytes of data, a quite easy job today.
Now, let's take somebody, and put his head in another device, a three dimensional phased array radar, or more precisely, a micro wave transducer (only the emitting part of the radar). This device can browse space without movement. By putting two perpendicular transducers next to the brain, they can send two beams in it, and where they cross, create an electrical pulse with an intensity equal to the sum of both beams, also equal to the original.
Doing so, it's possible with a super high resolution system, to pinpoint each cell that was acquired (peeked) in the "donor", and poke its value in the other brain.
If the donor is a good violin player, the receiver, when waking up, will feel as if he has new hands, and be surprised how easy he can play violin (but maybe not Mozart yet).
A step further, we can peek and poke other areas of the brain, like the one containing experience, skills, visual scenes. With this last example, a criminal or a suspect refusing to talk, can be peeked from the visual cortex, and the result can be poked in another brain. The receiver will "see" new scenes, and maybe the one of the crime.
The better the resolution, the higher the resolution of the remembering.
It's not mandatory to match neuron by neuron, from the donor to the receiver, or stroke by stroke, or synapse by synapse. The density is so high that we can really see the memory inside the neocortex as being stored in a three dimensional matrix. Whatever the network, as soon as it is the area used to do a specific operation (see Broca's areas) like hands, speech, vision, etc. the "knowledge" stored during years is stored as electrical levels in a matrix. The neuronal network will find back it's way through the different channels of higher voltage poked in the matrix, reconnect instantaneously synapses to recreate missing bridges.
不是必须要通过匹配神经元,从大脑A到大脑B,或者互相碰撞,或者神经连接线之间的匹配.密度如此之高的大脑我们完全可以把新大脑皮层的记忆存储到3D的矩阵中.可以根据特定的行为来确定大脑的区域(译注:Broca's areas通常指跟语言有关的大脑区域比如手,声音,图像,etc.多年来的"知识"作为电平存储在一个矩阵中.神经网络会找到不同的高电压隧道在矩阵中输入,重现链接到瞬间的神经连接线上并且重构丢失的部分.
--[ 2. Total Recall and Arnold Schwarzenegger are not so far!
Here is a metaphor to better understand the concept:
Think about a country: villages and inhabitants are there, connected with road networks.
Move houses and inhabitants in another place, keeping topology. Wherever they end up, they will immediately recreate roads and path to reconnects all houses and building. Houses and inhabitants are our memory and skills, materialized by electrical levels. They don't care about having to recreate roads and paths. They know where they want to go and which connections they need to do their work. The synaptic plasticity is even more wonderful than what you can imagine. Indeed, axons and dendrite can move as snakes to approach other neurons structure, and pop up synaptic connections everywhere they wan, and all of that in seconds!
Basically, think about your brain being a computer. First neurons met by an external input are acting as your computer I/O unit; and A/D converter. These neurons are mostly in the internal side of the neocortex (inside the brain).The neurons the are receiving the converted measures are the processing units, and the neurons receiving the results, have to send it to the muscles or some other parts of your body. In parallel, all neurons are storing what's happening all the time, recording everything crossing them: this is our memory, a matrix parallel to our neuronal network, used for data storage an dnot directly related to our processing unit.
The system described here above will not work to inject ideas in the brain, but just knowledge, remembering and skills. Producing ideas is something else, produced by consciousness, and this is a complete other story involving quantum physic.
--[ 3. Quantum Physic
We are now entering in leading edge researches made by visionary scientists that are not always belonging to what we name the "scientific paradigm", meaning that if they want to keep their annual funding, they should not investigate further these areas or stop to talk about what they are doing. We will present you some of their work and how they can hack your brain to the perfection.
If you take a neuron, or even any living cell, you can find in all of them centriols and micro tubules. All are made of bi-state monomers molecules, able to take two states, alpha and beta, depending the quantum state of on of their component. Each molecule has a state but can switch to the other one for some still unknown reason. When all the molecules of one micro-tubule switch their state to the same one, the micro tubule becomes super conductive for light and some other waves. The change of state is due to one spinning particle that will collide the molecule and change the position of one its atom. These molecules have a size of 15nm.
We need therefore a device able to send spinning particle in a brain with a resolution of maximum 15 nm to have a chance to make the atom turning the righ way. Hopefully, making an particle spinning left handed will make the molecule swapping to it's L-associated state, or let's say the alpha state.
There are already labs device able to adjust and measure particle's spin direction. Let's imagine we make them in such a way that they can work on the brain a little bit like the MRI hacking machine. It will not be a device as with the 3D phased array system, but more a wave canon, adjusting the wave origin to match exactly the distance needed to act on a specific electron. The device will have to be highly accurate, and fast. We can think about minimum one million antennas in the device (don't worry, they are used with such complexity). The device will process
millimeter by millimeter of the neo cortex, and required about one minute to read or patch a square centimeter. Because its entire surface is 2.000 square cm, the device will need about two days to hack a complete brain. Being not able to have an exact matching between both brains geometry is not a matter, for the same reason as with the MRI system. We can use, only here, the term of holographic memory, because what's important is the spatial content, not the topological content. The brain network is so dense that it's not a network anymore when you speak about storing information in it. It's like house that are so dense that you can jump from one roof to the other, without going through the roads. So roads are
used to process date coming from outside the village, and going outside the village, but if you stay in the village you don't need roads at all.
实验室的设备已经有调节和测量微粒自旋方向的能力.让我们来想象一下这些设备可以像一台核磁共振入侵头脑的机器.它不会成为一台3D相控阵系统,但更像一个wave canon(译注:不知道该怎么翻译),调节波源去匹配作用于特定电子的精准距离.这台设备会非常的精准和高速.我们可以想象最少100,000个天线在设备中(不用担心,我们会习惯复杂性的)可以处理新大脑皮层的毫米级数据,并且需要大约一分钟去读取或者附加一平方厘米.因为整个平面是2,000平方厘米,所以这台设备需要大约2天才能入侵整个大脑.跟核磁共振系统一样,不能精准的在两个大脑之间匹配已经成为历史.我们可以使用全息记忆,因为这是很重要的间隙的内容(译注:Shawn的理解是这里指数据,而后者指结构),而不是拓扑的内容.当我们谈论存储信息的大脑时,原本说的大脑的高密度网络本身也不应该叫做网络了.这就像房子很稠密但你可以从一个屋顶到另外一个屋顶而不需要走公路.所以公路是用于处理来自村庄之外的数据,和向村庄外输出数据,但你一天待在村子里,你就可以不需要使用公路.
Now, let's explain what's the outcome of such blast in your brain.
When you will wake up, after the long stay in the device, you will feel nothing new, because you are not yourself anymore, and you can't remember your first life. The guy standing in front of you, coming from the other machine, the "donor", si now YOU, but with another body. You feel now as twins, you have the same rembering of your life, you think the same, you have exactly the same knowledge and intelligence. If he s sad, you are sad, if he is good, you are good, if he likes men, you will like men too.
If he is a terrorist, you will behave like a terrorist. Nothing to learn anymore, everything is already in your brain. You know how to build a bomb, how to pilot an air plane, how to fights, etc. but if was peanut to train you, to convince you, to enroll you. Well, there is the cost of the brain device, not cheap at all, but they have the cash!
如果他是一个恐怖分子,你的行为也会像恐怖分子.不需要学习什么东西,一切都在你的大脑里了.你知道怎样去制造炸弹(译注:1985年的phrack issues 1有一篇文章讲如何制作炸弹),怎样去驾驶飞机,怎样博斗(译注:CQC?).但如果是从头训练你,说服你,再去参军.这样的成本和这台设备差不多了,不会偏宜的,但他们有钱!
You can also decide to copy only part of the brain, but it's more risky because that's a research area were we are not far, and it could be dangerous to outcome with overlapping memory, like, let's say, the top of you wife, and the bottom of your "loved boyfriend"!
Next day, think twice when waking up: are you still yourself?
hi gears,
==Phrack Inc.==
Volume 0x0d, Issue 0x42, Phile #0x11 of 0x11
|=-=[ How close are they of hacking your brain? ]=-=|
|=--=[ author by dahut ]=--------------------------=|
|=--=[ dahut@skynet.be ]=---------------=|
|=--=[ translation:Shawn the R0ck]=-----------------=|
|=--=[ citypw@gmail.com ]=---------------=|
|=--=[ chengdu,China ]=------------------------=|
|=--=[ Nov 11th,2010 ]=-------------------------=|
Since the invention of the EEG, S-F writers produced many books with stories about pumping out the content of your brain and putting it in another brain, or taking the control of your soul or willingness and driving you as a robot. We wil not talk about the well known MK-ULTRA project that never ended up on any real functioning device approaching this result. What they did reach is well described in the still suspicious book "Trance formation of America" (www.trance-formation.com).
Our recent researched demonstrate however that it is possible that something is happening or close to.
We will explain two different technologies, that can provide some breakthrough in the mind control.
--[ 1. MRI
By enhancing the resolution of Magnetic Resonance Imagery device, we should be able to do nice things such putting ideas or remembering in the brain of someone.
There are today multiples ways to measure brain activity. Brain activity is also brain content, to some extent, depending what you are measuring and what you are looking for.
The most advanced works achieved around what's in the brain is the BlueBrain project, invented by Henry Markram at EPFL in Switzerland. His lab is using a 10.000 CPU Blue Gene type IBM supercomputer, and a super Silicon Graphic computer with 16 graphic cards and 64 Itanium 2 CPU to display processing results. He did start by making the inventory of all neurons types and response type, sorting out few tens types of each. Next he built devices to digitize the geometry of each type of neuron,following the path of dendrites and axons, branch by branch, stroke by stroke, change in diameter, etc. A typical neuron ends up with about 10.000 XYZ 3D coordinates. Next, he packed 10.000 neurons of multiple types in a very narrow space; 5mm by 1mm. This is what scientists name a
microcolumn of the neocortex. Then he put electrical input at the entry of the "network" and did a simulation, using the few tens of responses found in these neurons. The result is a modified electrical state of all these branches: 100 millions branches! Each one with a different electrical level. This density of neurons produces short circuits between each of them, the synapse. Such micro column can contains up to a trillion synapses!
围绕着大脑的研究中最先进的应该是Henry Markram在瑞士的EPFL(译注:瑞士洛桑联邦理工大学)
From a mechanical point of view, this is not anymore a network, this is a dense matter with different electrical level at each cubic 5 micron. You should see the neuronal network as the processing device of the I/O, when the remaining electrical levels are the memory of the events/habits/experiences.
Now, let's say that a lab can produce a MRI device with such resolution. It will measure the electrical level each 5 micron, and do it for a specific area, let's say to start easy, the area of both hands. Ok, we have to store few terabytes of data, a quite easy job today.
Now, let's take somebody, and put his head in another device, a three dimensional phased array radar, or more precisely, a micro wave transducer (only the emitting part of the radar). This device can browse space without movement. By putting two perpendicular transducers next to the brain, they can send two beams in it, and where they cross, create an electrical pulse with an intensity equal to the sum of both beams, also equal to the original.
Doing so, it's possible with a super high resolution system, to pinpoint each cell that was acquired (peeked) in the "donor", and poke its value in the other brain.
If the donor is a good violin player, the receiver, when waking up, will feel as if he has new hands, and be surprised how easy he can play violin (but maybe not Mozart yet).
A step further, we can peek and poke other areas of the brain, like the one containing experience, skills, visual scenes. With this last example, a criminal or a suspect refusing to talk, can be peeked from the visual cortex, and the result can be poked in another brain. The receiver will "see" new scenes, and maybe the one of the crime.
The better the resolution, the higher the resolution of the remembering.
It's not mandatory to match neuron by neuron, from the donor to the receiver, or stroke by stroke, or synapse by synapse. The density is so high that we can really see the memory inside the neocortex as being stored in a three dimensional matrix. Whatever the network, as soon as it is the area used to do a specific operation (see Broca's areas) like hands, speech, vision, etc. the "knowledge" stored during years is stored as electrical levels in a matrix. The neuronal network will find back it's way through the different channels of higher voltage poked in the matrix, reconnect instantaneously synapses to recreate missing bridges.
--[ 2. Total Recall and Arnold Schwarzenegger are not so far!
Here is a metaphor to better understand the concept:
Think about a country: villages and inhabitants are there, connected with road networks.
Move houses and inhabitants in another place, keeping topology. Wherever they end up, they will immediately recreate roads and path to reconnects all houses and building. Houses and inhabitants are our memory and skills, materialized by electrical levels. They don't care about having to recreate roads and paths. They know where they want to go and which connections they need to do their work. The synaptic plasticity is even more wonderful than what you can imagine. Indeed, axons and dendrite can move as snakes to approach other neurons structure, and pop up synaptic connections everywhere they wan, and all of that in seconds!
Basically, think about your brain being a computer. First neurons met by an external input are acting as your computer I/O unit; and A/D converter. These neurons are mostly in the internal side of the neocortex (inside the brain).The neurons the are receiving the converted measures are the processing units, and the neurons receiving the results, have to send it to the muscles or some other parts of your body. In parallel, all neurons are storing what's happening all the time, recording everything crossing them: this is our memory, a matrix parallel to our neuronal network, used for data storage an dnot directly related to our processing unit.
The system described here above will not work to inject ideas in the brain, but just knowledge, remembering and skills. Producing ideas is something else, produced by consciousness, and this is a complete other story involving quantum physic.
--[ 3. Quantum Physic
We are now entering in leading edge researches made by visionary scientists that are not always belonging to what we name the "scientific paradigm", meaning that if they want to keep their annual funding, they should not investigate further these areas or stop to talk about what they are doing. We will present you some of their work and how they can hack your brain to the perfection.
If you take a neuron, or even any living cell, you can find in all of them centriols and micro tubules. All are made of bi-state monomers molecules, able to take two states, alpha and beta, depending the quantum state of on of their component. Each molecule has a state but can switch to the other one for some still unknown reason. When all the molecules of one micro-tubule switch their state to the same one, the micro tubule becomes super conductive for light and some other waves. The change of state is due to one spinning particle that will collide the molecule and change the position of one its atom. These molecules have a size of 15nm.
We need therefore a device able to send spinning particle in a brain with a resolution of maximum 15 nm to have a chance to make the atom turning the righ way. Hopefully, making an particle spinning left handed will make the molecule swapping to it's L-associated state, or let's say the alpha state.
There are already labs device able to adjust and measure particle's spin direction. Let's imagine we make them in such a way that they can work on the brain a little bit like the MRI hacking machine. It will not be a device as with the 3D phased array system, but more a wave canon, adjusting the wave origin to match exactly the distance needed to act on a specific electron. The device will have to be highly accurate, and fast. We can think about minimum one million antennas in the device (don't worry, they are used with such complexity). The device will process
millimeter by millimeter of the neo cortex, and required about one minute to read or patch a square centimeter. Because its entire surface is 2.000 square cm, the device will need about two days to hack a complete brain. Being not able to have an exact matching between both brains geometry is not a matter, for the same reason as with the MRI system. We can use, only here, the term of holographic memory, because what's important is the spatial content, not the topological content. The brain network is so dense that it's not a network anymore when you speak about storing information in it. It's like house that are so dense that you can jump from one roof to the other, without going through the roads. So roads are
used to process date coming from outside the village, and going outside the village, but if you stay in the village you don't need roads at all.
Now, let's explain what's the outcome of such blast in your brain.
When you will wake up, after the long stay in the device, you will feel nothing new, because you are not yourself anymore, and you can't remember your first life. The guy standing in front of you, coming from the other machine, the "donor", si now YOU, but with another body. You feel now as twins, you have the same rembering of your life, you think the same, you have exactly the same knowledge and intelligence. If he s sad, you are sad, if he is good, you are good, if he likes men, you will like men too.
If he is a terrorist, you will behave like a terrorist. Nothing to learn anymore, everything is already in your brain. You know how to build a bomb, how to pilot an air plane, how to fights, etc. but if was peanut to train you, to convince you, to enroll you. Well, there is the cost of the brain device, not cheap at all, but they have the cash!
You can also decide to copy only part of the brain, but it's more risky because that's a research area were we are not far, and it could be dangerous to outcome with overlapping memory, like, let's say, the top of you wife, and the bottom of your "loved boyfriend"!
Next day, think twice when waking up: are you still yourself?
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