Thursday, December 31, 2009


Jan 5th,2009
送走了老婆,和另外一位好兄弟也是Neo-Calvinist---Mr.F踏上了去武汉的火车,此行的目的只有一个---找洪峰老师论道,此行的兴奋真是可以从当时的blog看出,但由于后来发现与事实不符,所以那次的blog被Shawn删掉了,这也是Shawn写blog到此删除的第一篇blog.即使有些article上有"5毛党"和pornie spam的情况Shawn也没有删除文章.武汉回来后,一直在处理公司的一些繁杂的事情.

Feb 10th,2009
一个月的沉闷的日子里,几乎只干两件事情---读神哲学和处理公司杂事.在之后一些的时间里开始关注事物本体与永恒性之间的关系.到了三月份,Shawn开始增加了一些hacks,比如开始阅读How to Designed Program和尝试安装了那个鼎鼎大名的GNU/Linux distro---gentoo.

April xx,2009

June 20th,2009

July xx,2009

Aug xx,2009

Sep xx,2009

Oct xx,2009
终于从归正神学,存在主义,lambda演算的神哲学模型当中退出来,开始学习Linux设备驱动和嵌入式开发相关的东东...之后也去见了fsf和GNU project的发起人RMS,他是个伟大的战士,但犹太式的隐喻让Shawn实在不爽...

Nov xx,2009
ben_nanonote是个好东东,open hardware和free software的接合

Dec xx,2009
深圳,跟ginrut谈了许久,无数的问题和无数的讨论,我们都很年轻,我们都很浮躁,我们都受这个该死的世界的影响...我们找到了lambda Calculus和OS的神哲学模型,接下来的问题是:拼死找神哲学模型到底有什么用?光有这2个用处不大,但是犹太人是碰撞出了无数个aha之后才这么厉害的,或许你是做金融的,他是做法律的,我是做艺术的,但我们都有一个共通的目标去搞清楚2个问题:1,我的工作的领域的本质是什么? 2,这个本质跟我的人生意义是什么?....所有人都在尝试把自己做的回归到神哲学模型,而这个过程就体现了Martin BUrber所谈到的"I and thou"和"religion and religiosity"的关系,因为我的存在(I),所以我(I)敬畏你(thou),因为你(thou)是耶和华,是智慧,战士,公义,慈爱,创造本体的上帝.你给予了我们一切的可能性(possiblity),所以外在的宗教(religion)是会腐朽的,但是唯有对你(thou)的敬虔(religiosity)可以持续的给外在注入新的动力,就如一棵树要生长在溪水旁...当这个爱智慧的过程中,分享给周围的人,周围的人也分享给你,aha就在这个时候诞生,而无数个aha的融合就构成了一个强大的团体,一个没有aha的民族是没有未来的民族.这种方法论已经在老牌的4大财团中接受了考验---犹太,WASP,日尔曼,斯拉夫...就连最近些年正在崛起的日本财团也融合了中国先秦和犹太-基督教的方法论,可惜我们只看到了日本的大东京文化...


当然也谈到了自由软件社区的问题,Linus是个对公众不太负责的人,这点跟RMS根本不一样,Linux的kernel到未来很有可能封闭作为商业使用,如果不是GNU工具链的支撑Linux kernel早会投向专利的怀抱,大众今天只知道Linux,却很少知道GNU,但其实GNU才是重点,如果没有了linux kernel,还可以有其他的kernel选择,但如果没有了GNU那简直不敢想像,就如圣经所言,世界大部分人都是愚民...Shawn计划1-2年后开始转向其他的kernel,GNU/HURD之类的吧...Linux kernel如果真的封闭,Google应该是他们最强大的对手,谁都知道G的kernel和GNU工具链的定制是一流的,现在搞的CHrome和Go语言只是开始吧........不过好消息是G code上的project已经有50%决定新的版本转向GPLv3,这可能是今年最值得乐观的一个消息吧



Tuesday, November 24, 2009

marrige registry

my baby has already prison break.Congratulations!

He looks like my grandpa~hope God could allow his eternal life's ticket

photograph by a Russian

Hackable1 is one of my favorite distros in openmoko.


btw:I got a sony-S736F that it's really amazing for punk rock and gothic(low-mid frequency).I have test songs like "New Divid","Eternal Autum","Only hope","going under".It's get closer to status of "perfection".Hope One day,I can use open hardware music player device to listen music.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

port guile to ben_nanoNOte

Copyleft(c)2009 HackerFellowship. All lefts reserved.
Shawn the R0ck

This documentation is about the process of port guile;you can
redistribute it and /or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
Public License as published by the Free Software Foundataion;either
version 2 of the License,or (at your option) any later version.

You should have read the GNU General Public License before start "RTFSC".

how to port guile from Intel cpu to mips(ported-version for b_nn).We need 2 things:
1.openWrt of ben_nanoNote
2.guile-1.4's source code

$tar zxvf guile-1.4.tar.gz
$cd ..
$mkdir build-guile
$cd build-guile
$../guile-1.4/configure --host=mipsel-openwrt-linux --with-cc=mipsel-openwrt-linux-gcc --with-linker=mipsel-openwrt-linux-ld --prefix=/hfg/guile-x
$grep -r CC= *

Now,you need to modify every files what you see from the list.from "CC= gcc" to "mipsel openwrt-linux-gcc".

$grep -r LD= *

Still do ur modifying from "LD= ld" to "mipsel-openwrt-linux-ld".Actually,you still need to modify very Makefile.

if you got a error something like this".....bin/ld:cant found -lreadline".before run the below cmd,please copy the and to your specify folder(-B your_folder_name):

$mipsel-openwrt-linux-gcc -fPIC -shared readline.lo -lreadline -B /hfg/nanonote/openwrt-xburst/staging_dir/toolchain-mipsel_gcc-4.3.3+cs_uClibc- -lncurses -lc -Wl,-soname -Wl, -o .libs/

You got your own scheme interpreter now.dont forget thank for free software movement.Use scp or whatever you like way to upload the /hfg/guile-x/* to "/usr/" of ben_nanoNOte.

finnally,add "export GUILE_LOAD_PATH=/usr/share/guile/1.4" to the /etc/profile on ben_nanoNOte

Friday, October 23, 2009

trip of Beijing---free software seminars

seminar:Free software
date:Oct 22th,2009

This was my 3rd time to the city--Beijing.Im here for 3 seminars.One about free software.2 of seminars are tech-related(helloGcc and aka kernel).

RMS gave us a free speech last night.The topic is Danger of Software Patent that he explain why the patent system are threating the public freedom.I totally agree with him on this point.After the speech~we have turning to FAQ time.I went to the front of the table and speak to him.Here's the conversation snippet I have remember:
Shawn:Hello,Mr.Stallman.It's honorable to talk to you.I wanna ask a question for ya.What do you think of the purpose of your life and free software,I mean the connection about them?

RMS:That's a huge problem.There are a lot of purpose in life,I would love to learning new things,see the beautiful things,and delicious food.

Shawn:what's your final purpose?

RMS:There's no final purpose.

Shawn:sounds humanism.I think your final purpose are "there's no final purpose".Are you a Jew?

RMS:Im a antitheist in scientific.

Shawn:Mr.Stallman.Is there are any possibility to beat the patent system?

RMS:No,but we can avoid it.
RMS is a one of great man I met.He is a great warrior in software field.About 30 years ago,some hackers who claimed that they are Christians.Some of them own better tech skills and knowledge than RMS.Perhaps they truely believed in Christ.But there is just one man came forward with respect to the moral law(the creation of General Revelation by GOD).I think of almost of free software philosophy comply with the Holy BIBLE.Try to think about this:God created the world and share the details about the creation of the world include our weakness and the possibility to betray HIM.thats why Satan(lucifer) knew our weakness.What if GOD has not share the source code of the creation of the world?That would be terrify.

ancient Greeks,Homer's epic points out that there are 4 attributes which could be composed a perfect character---knowledge,wisdom,courage,temperance.RMS is a warrior with courage,He prefer gave up a lot of shits like money,fame,etc to pursuiting the purpose of his life---free software movement.I,as Christian,firstable Thank GOD allowed the possibility could be existed in phenomenon world(because of the possibility,our life have funs).and I also thank RMS to made a great choice even though he is not a Christian now.

I was never stop asking my myself after leave the seminar yesterday:Where was the heros of kingdom of God gone?Where are they now?

May LORD Jesus leading hackers!

btw:Tom Pittman expressed the importance of creativity in his description of the feeling that accompanies true hacking:In that instant,I as a Christian thought I could feel something of the satisfaction that God must have felt when He created the world.

The father of free software movement.

The founder of GNU project.GNU/Linux is just a piece of GNU system.


xf was talking about open hardware with RMS.

ben NanoNote from qi-hardware and openMoko

thank God,I got a openMoko that will be my next hacking.

line 4,MTR

I bet he will be a great artist:)

Shawn,my old sister

Oct 25th 2009,kernel seminar


Herbert Xu

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

from chengdu to kangting


为什么要hiking?不可否认Shawn受了into the wild的影响,此次hiking也够奇怪的,Shawn原本打算此次hiking把一个困扰已久的问题想通---OES(open education system).结果上帝开了个大玩笑,出发前2天小猫跑过来跟Shawn讲了一大堆他最近的心得和推荐了本书,那天晚上Shawn豁然开朗,问题基本解决,剩下的只是磨时间的问题.

那这次hiking的意义是什么呢?到出发Shawn也没有想通,只是凭着一丁点亚伯拉罕式的信心相信上帝会预备丰盛的道路.在路上经过的大部分的确都是农村和山区,在看那本DND的书时也介绍到DND的早期贡献者都是来自北美的农村,他们的创造性为什么会如此的厉害?思想的细节太多,不太想在这里分享,有空就face to face的交流.




water snake





上一次来到木格措是2001年5月,这个地方让Shawn爱上了高原,这8年以来Shawn心目中唯一的净土就是这里,当时这里没有公路,没有嘈杂的施工队,只有森林,蓝天和高原湖泊,今天的木格措依然漂亮,但已经无法跟8年前相比,此次旅行Shawn最盼望有"aha"的地方令Shawn有些失望,就如switchfoot的那首"the beautiful letdown",在地上的失望越多,在天上的盼望就越多.




no computer,no cellphone,just be there in it.into the wild,you know the wild would never let you will bring you "aha" a lot,dude!why Im here?in the wild?life a little bit of bore,sometimes~ i need more new experience which cross over the computer field.every frenk'in person knows the best way to avoid bore life is that invent more "aha" into their life.but almost of them would never jump to it.why? a job with good salary?friends dont like a way what they dont wanna to be?
fuck....thats your life,dude!you have to responsible to your life.dont listen to the world.The world would dull your mind,kill your creativity.Loss your "aha",Loss your purpose of your life!
I got "aha"s...
aha,free software
aha,hiking....let's roll~



不知道S.A Kierkegarrd当年有没有在高原湖泊旁思考过人生的意义?


did i look like a monkey-coder?

our future depend on our philosophy.---RMS

hello little boy

good dogie:)


can you touch the face of GOD?I cant be strong but feel strong....

blue sky...


送所有的真心愿意探索人生意义的朋友一句西班牙内战时的名言:It's better to live one day as a lion than hundred years as a sheep!